![]() Embracing Self-Sufficiency and strengthening my connection to the earth and my craft. A big part of my witchcraft practice is to be aware of my impact on the environment. In today’s fast-paced world, the idea of being self-sufficient can seem like a far-off dream. But for me, it’s a path I’m actively walking, one small step at a time. I aim to create the things I need, reduce my environmental impact, and deepen my connection to the earth which enhances mental health knowing that I am making a difference, however small it may be. It’s important to me to live a life that’s not only more fulfilling but also kinder to the planet—whether that’s through reducing waste, repurposing materials, or simply slowing down and creating with intention. Recently, I decided I wanted to replace the paper towel in my kitchen for cloth ones. The cost, both environmental and financial, of using and throwing away paper towels began to frustrate me so, I decided to take action and create my own cloth towels to use instead. Finding flannel material to begin my project I found my sewing machine broke. It couldn’t be repaired, which at first seemed like a setback however I decided to invest in a quality machine that would last for many years to come, a new machine that could help me create even more of what I need and want for myself. This investment wasn’t just about the machine itself, but about developing my skills and exploring new ways of making things by hand. The process was simple and incredibly rewarding. Cutting the fabric into squares, I took two and placed them together. I sewed all the edges, leaving a small gap to turn them inside out. After flipping them, I stitched around the edges again to prevent fraying and ensure they would last for a long time. The feeling of creating something practical and sustainable from scratch was immensely satisfying. Not only would these towels help cut down on waste, but they also felt personal—like little handmade pieces of my effort to be more self-reliant.
But I didn’t stop there! My creative energy led me to finding a way to hold my new cloth towels on the kitchen towel holder. After some thought, I realised that I could repurpose a scrap piece of PVC pipe from a building site where my son was working. With a little ingenuity, I cut the pipe to fit the towel holder and glued a small strip of grip (similar to sandpaper) to ensure the first towel would stay in place. I then wrapped all the towels around each other, and thanks to the flannel material, they stayed snugly together, ready for use and can be easily pulled off when the movement of the pvc pipe. Each step of this journey, from sewing towels to finding creative solutions with scraps, has reinforced my desire to be more self-sufficient. It’s not just about the projects themselves, but the process of learning, adapting, and connecting with what I create. This process is a great tool within my mental health tool kit allowing me to feel confident and proud of myself for my achievements. It’s a daily practice of reducing waste, rethinking consumption, and building a life where I rely more on my own hands and skills than on disposable goods. I’m excited to continue teaching myself new skills, from repairing clothing to repurposing old materials into something useful. It’s a learning curve, but one that fills me with a sense of accomplishment and pride. I encourage anyone who is looking to live more sustainably to try small projects like these—it’s a fun way to make a big impact! Happy crafting! Niki XX
![]() Use the energy of the moons phases to create change within your life. As the waning moon disappears from our sky inching closer to her dark phase it is a powerful time to release. A simple way to work your magick within this phase is by writing a list of what it is you wish to release to assist in your desired outcome. For example: Situation You want to increase your confidence What you may write on your release list
There may be may more items you could place on this list, it will depend on your particular scenario. Now burn this list with the intention of releasing. You may wish to read it aloud before you burn it. You may also wish to do this outdoors under the waning moon (which will be in the late evenings / early morning) The next day and every day moving towards the Dark Moon, repeat your magick and create the list again. You may find you recognise more things that have a place on the list that will aid in resolving the situation. It is best to stop creating the release list on the Dark Moon as once you reach the New Moon you may alter your magick to create an attraction list moving through the Waxing Moon. The above may help you work through challenges to create the changes you wish to make and, as I always suggest, is perfect with the assistance of counselling and consults sessions. Blessings Niki ![]() I was recently asked on an Instagram post what was the difference between a Counselling Appointment and a Consult Appointment. I answered the question on Instagram but also I wanted to share my answer here. A Counselling Appointment is where I provide a space for you to release, communicate and work through challenges you may have. I will offer suggestions that may assist you and these usually correspond to the moons phases and cycles of the seasons (releasing, attracting etc) These sessions are available both at Erina and Long Jetty. A Consult Appointment is similar however usually regarding a specific subject and we will work together to create some magick to assist you in creating change such as a spell, spell bottle, chant, incense blend etc. These sessions are held at long jetty only (the reason being that I couldn’t possible pack and carry all of my magickal bits and bobs to my Saturday rooms as I never know what we will need). However….. When you have either a Counselling Appointment or Consult Appointment with me I will give you access to a secret page on my website with information and grimoire pages on weaving magick within your life to create change. This page will continue to grow to be a wonderful resource for you in implementing change and weaving your natural magick. If you want any more information about appointments available jump on over to the 'Work with Me' tab above. Love and Magick Niki xx The Winter Solstice Worksheet is available for an instant download for you to work with and add to your Grimoire / Book of Shadows This worksheet can help you make the most of the darkness within the winter season, delving into our shadow self to determine what we really want out of life. Can help you to work your magick, to assess what is not longer working for you, to determine your dreams, what you are wanting to achieve. To connect with your ancestors for their wisdom and guidance on moving towards and achieving your dreams. The Winter Solstice worksheet is 40 pages (A4 in size) of prompts and questions to help you work your solstice magick. What you will find within its pages: * Journal prompts * Connecting with the elements in winter * Meditation * Garden Witchery * Kitchen Witchery * Nature at home * Winter Magick * Mental health in Winter * Dreaming * Witchcraft is environmentalism * Tarot / Oracle spread * Strengths & Weakness * Planning * Releasing and Attracting * Winter Solstice Ritual This is a beautiful way to connect with your inner magick, to weave it within your life to create change moving towards a beautiful and abundant life. See a flick through of the worksheet below. Click here to purchase the worksheet Blessings Niki xx ![]() As we move into the winter months, as the cold sets in and the earth slows down, we may find ourselves also wanting to slow down. When we slip into the darkness of this season, it can bring up many feelings such as isolation, frustration from idleness and much more which may then begin to create an inner monologue that can be quite harmful to self. We unconsciously connect with the seasons and at this time it is important to remember that: We are a part of nature It is natural to slow down It is natural to embrace the darkness It is natural to reflect and ruminate It is natural to assess where we are at and prepare for change It is natural to release Winter is a time for rest, contemplation and preparation Create yourself a cosy atmosphere at this time to support your transition of self so you may emerge from the winter darkness anew. I will soon be releasing my Winter Solstice Grimoire Worksheet that you will be able to work through this winter to weave your magick, to connect and make change. Blessed Be Niki XX On a new moon run yourself a delicious bath with rose petals, lavender, whatever flowers that make you feel connected to that loving side of yourself. On a waxing moon (between new and full) write a list in your journal of all the beautiful and magnificent things that you see within yourself. On a waning moon (between full and dark) write a list of your negative and limiting thoughts of self and burn it to release their hold. Take a walk out in nature and connect with the energy of the earth and the season you’re in. You are a part of nature so harmonise with those calming energies and reflect on the positive impact you have within this world.
In your journal write few things you are grateful for within yourself. For example: I am grateful I am inquisitive and always seeking to learn. I am grateful for my creativity so I am able to express myself. You may just remind yourself of your talents by doing this. Blessed Be and much love Niki xx With the river running swiftly over the rocks I sunk deep into the energy to wash away limiting beliefs allowing fresh thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow through into my space. Time spent in nature it something that I cherish Listening to bird song Sitting amongst tall trees on a blanket of the softest grass Watching the water run slowly along the river moving towards the rapids Allowing everything in the mundane world melt away while strengthening the connection to my magick Walking within the river, the freezing waters awakening every cell within my body and letting my feet sink deep into the riverbed sand to ground my intention. Connecting to the primal aspect of self. Recognising that all I need is that deep connection of self to wield powerful magick. At night with the full moon shining down from above and the creatures of the night singing their song I sat for hours watching the fire dance the dance of inspiration and creativity. An enriching few days to rejuvenate my spirit and connect with my magick. Blessed Be Niki )O( ![]() Let me share with you 6 ways you can incorporate your magick to reduce your anxiety.
And of course seeking therapy with a qualified counsellor or psychologist is a proactive way when suffering from anxiety. Combining all of the above can assist you in living a joyous life authentic to your own journey. Blessed Be Niki xx If you would like more information regarding counselling combining magick click here for more information - Work with me ![]() Can you feel it? I feel the transition to autumn has come quite swiftly. It has been so hot and humid I’ve been waiting for autumn with bated breath. This week I’ve felt it. I absolutely love this time of year. Perhaps because it is my birth season, I don't know but I feel deeply connected to myself and my magick in autumn. I love that it is still dark when I rise at 6am. That the evenings are cooling as the temperature drops and with that beautiful breeze flowing through my open bedroom window allows me to snuggle under my ever so soft covers having a restful sleep. As autumn settles upon us I turn inward. Reflecting. I question what is it time to let go of and what is not working. I wonder what do I need to release to sustain myself for growth. How can you deepen your connection to autumn and work your magick? Grab a notepad and pen and journal about the following. Where you are now? Where you are heading? Is the direction you want to go in? With either a Yes or No answer to that question determine Is there anything you can let go of that is slowing or hindering your growth? Spend this beautiful time of autumn reflecting and releasing what is no longer needed. Delve deep into your shadow self and do the work that will sustain you. As deciduous tree releases its leaves in autumn to sustain itself for future growth, so must you. If you'd like prompting and assistance in working your Autumn Magick I have a worksheet available to purchase, instant download. Click here for more details
Let's practice self-love this Valentines DaySome historians believe that Valentine’s Day stems from Lupercalia, an ancient pagan festival which was held each year in Rome on 15th February in honour of the god Lupercus. This festival however was not all the love, roses, and chocolates that we experience today, Lupercalia was a festival that was sexually charged with animal slaughter thrown in. The exact origin is not known however the festival can be traced back to the 6th century BC. The festival began with sacrificing goats and a dog in honour of Lupercus, then moving onto feasting, as with most pagan festivals feasting is important. After the feast the men would run around nearly naked whipping women with strips of the hide from the sacrificed goats. Men and women were coupled for the duration of the festival with some falling in love and staying together afterwards. Quite intense… This celebration is certainly different in this modern world which focus on giving gifts of flowers, chocolates and declarations of love however, with that said we can still link it back to our pagans roots. Animal sacrifice is such frightening concept to comprehend, and I am not encouraging you to do so but, unless you are a vegetarian, you will be consuming meat that has ‘sacrificed’ to sustain your life. As you prepare your meal honour the life that was given and to nourishing you. About the whipping, well that’s a person thing between you and your partner. Lupercalia is about ensuring fertility of all that surrounds us and, if you were lucky enough to be partnered with someone you connected with, you may find love which is more in line with the celebration of today’s Valentines Day. This valentine let’s look at the love we have for self, we do not have to wait for others to show us love and shower us with gifts, we can absolutely do that ourselves. * Buy yourself some flowers * Take yourself out for lunch or dinner * Buy yourself a gift * Go get a massage Weave in the energy and magick of self-care and self-love this valentines. Attached is a ritual you may use to enhance your magick. Blessed Be Niki xx ![]()
![]() This is a question I recently received on Instagram and I thought it appropriate to share my response in a blog post. What is a quick way to shift from a dark funk to stay positive? To be brutally honest with you, there really isn't a quick way to achieve anything that will be long lasting, it takes creating new habits within your life to sustain change. Let me share with you some small tasks you can begin to include within your day, to work into your daily routine which will begin to limit the 'funks' you fall into and help you in creating a more positive and balanced life. Grounding Spend some time with your feet on the earth, even if it’s just a few minutes a day to begin with. I like to do this of an evening feeling the cool temperature on my feet, especially in the summer months. Let this time on the earth anchor and ground you. On the Full Moon you could lay upon the earth while gazing up at the moon. In the cooler months I like to go on hikes in the forest and sit for a while soaking up the surroundings. Listening to the birds, the running water from the waterfall within the forest and the trees rustling in the wind. Touching the earth, the moss on the ground and the beautiful forest flora. If it is a beautiful cool day I will pack some snacks, take a book and spend as much time there as I can. The longer you spend grounding your energy the better you will feel. Cleansing yourself and your space Lets start with your space. Having a clean and aesthetically pleasing environment can effect your mind in positive ways reducing anxiety and encouraging a peaceful relaxed mood. Tidying your space can create a sense of pride, fulfilment and also increases productivity in keeping your space in this state to continue to encourage these positive feelings. When you have completed tidying your space create and light an incense blend to cleanse and clear it also setting an intention for each room, for example, in your bedroom after creating a sleepy and relaxing environment burn your incense in that space setting the intention of deep relaxing and restful sleep. In your office after tidying and organising the space burn your incense set intentions of concentration, inspiration, productivity etc. Moving onto cleansing of self you could simply stand out in the breeze letting the wind caress your skin and cleanse your energy. When you shower hold the intention that the water is moving down over your body washing away that which does not serve you and is filling your cup with beautiful gentle supportive energy. You could incorporate the cleansing of self into your daily life, and the cleansing of you space could be incorporate within your weekly routine. ![]() Journaling If you have things on your mind write them down, get it out and release it onto the page. We know how cathartic it can be to discuss our concerns with a trusted friend or counsellor but we do not always have access to do this or, you may not feel comfortable to do so therefore a great opportunity to release these feelings is by journaling. Incorporating your magick into this is a wonderful way to release what is on your mind to lesson the weight you feel. When you are journaling you may wish to light a candle to inspire and stir up the fire within to assist in releasing what is on your mind out onto the paper. Burn some incense to assist your connection with the element of air enhancing clarity and cleansing through the journaling process. You may wish to journal on loose paper and when you've finished move the paper through the incense smoke then burn the paper using the flame from the candle. There we have a few simple ways to start with releasing the funk that sneaks upon us from time to time but know that it takes time and energy to implement change within your life so try to incorporate these changes within your usual daily or weekly routine. If you feel you need more assistance you may consider booking a counselling / consult appointment with me. Click here for more details on working with me. Blessed Be Niki xx I have received a question for my podcast about how to start your journey into creating a magickal life. As I am still working on all the technical stuff to start my podcast I thought I would write a blog post to start to answer this question. It can be so overwhelming with all the magickal things that you can include within your life, especially if you are scrolling through Instagram seeing all the aesthetically pleasing photos of people working their magick. I am not saying that in a negative way towards the people that share their practice, I like the aesthetic vibe, I keep my Instagram page the same but know, it does not always look like that, is not always elaborate. So what can you do to begin? I would suggest to start with simply acknowledging the moons phases, I will address recognising and connecting to the movement of the seasons in another blog post. Lets start with the moon phases* On the Full Moon just step outside for a moment and let the moonbeams shine down on you and fill your body. Just let the magick flow, you will feel it. If you have any worries or concerns voice them or think of them and release them into the night asking the moons energy to support you and think of 5 things you are grateful for. I love to sit outside on my front veranda of an evening and let the ambience of the night fill me working my simple yet powerful magick.
* On the Dark Moon pull some tarot / oracle asking your Ancestors for guidance. Analyse what you've been dreaming lately to divine and guidance. You may also want to add some tea leaf readings or use the pendulum, whatever you feel comfortable in doing. * On the New Moon spend some time journaling on what you would like to achieve. Don't think about the how, just note down what it is you want to achieve. Include as much detail as you want. I have a special notebook for this that sits upon my altar that I add things to. Last new moon I added 'a veranda with a roof' so I could sit out when it is raining. I love to watch the rain and on a summer night it is magickal to be outside watching it. I also added 'a bath that I can lay in'. Being tall, that is always an obstacle for me. Side note: In saying these, I do not want to move house right now, I love where I live but I have dreams of owning a property and building a home so I am beginning my wish list for that time. These are simple tasks that are totally doable within each of the moons phases and may take only 20 mins each time. That's 1 hour a month, you can totally do that right! If you are wanting to create a magickal routine, it is important to make time for these simple magickal practices and as you move through the phases you may begin to add more and more to your magick throughout the moons phase such as burning incense blends, creating bath blends, creating rituals and working with the energy in between with the waxing and waning phases. I encourage you to start today, start now. Figure out the dates for the moons phases and add them to your calendar. If you are busy and do not often check your calendar, set reminders within your phone, we've always got that with us. You've really no excuse not to do this. To know when the dates of the moons phases, I shared a free downloadable poster in my last blog post. Click here for easy access. If you are interested I have worksheets available to assist you working magick throughout the moons phases, click here to view. If you do feel you would like assistance in creating magick within your life or would like advise on how to work through a specific subject click here for more information about working with me. When I have my podcast up and running I will answer this question in more details. I am a better talker than I am a writer. lol Blessed Be Niki )O( ![]() Moving into 2024, as well as other changes you've probably decided to weave into your life I do hope you've also committed to weaving magick within your life while also working on your mental health. It is an important yet often forgotten tool to assist us in moving forward within our life with confidence, strength and passion. A simple way to begin working your magick is to connect with the phases of the moon and using the energy of the time. I have a free e-book available when you sign up to my mailing list. Click here to do so. When planning my magick, workshops and general work and life events I like to have a quick reference for the dates on the moons phases hanging within my office. Creating pretty things is a passion of mine, so I spent some time creating a beautiful Moon Calendar for the coming year as well as the sabbat dates. I through I would gift it to you so you may print it and hang within on your office, altar space, kitchen etc so you may also have a quick reference for the dates to weave magick into your life. ![]()
I sincerely hope you will be able to make time to see the magick within your life. To tap into it, weave it through your everyday to create change.
May your 2024 be wonderful and magickal I have a feeling this will be a wonderful year for many. Niki xx ![]() For those of us that live in the southern hemisphere summer solstice, also known as Litha, is just around the corner. Summer solstice signifies the longest day of the year where the sun is in the height of its power and from this point on will be within its waning phase as the days grow shorter. The wheel turning, moving towards the dark half of the year. At this time of year many of us can get so distracted with the Christmas preparations (for those that celebrate), work and family commitments that solstice sometimes is forgotten within the chaos and passes without recognition. Here I would like to share with you some wonderful and simple ways to celebrate summer solstice and weave its magick within your life. For those of you that wish to deepen your connect I’ve created a Summer Solstice Grimoire / Worksheet that may assist your magick. It is under $10 and is an instant download of 40 pages of magick. Click here for more details - www.etsy.com/au/listing/1611207880/ ![]() Relaxing Bath This beautiful Sunflower and Lavender happiness bath is a wonderful way to relax, rejuvenate and cool down on a hot summers day. Sunflowers are just like a ray of sunshine, you can purchase yourself some and place them upon your altar. When they begin to wilt collect the petals and place them within a bath along with lavender flowers to promote relaxation and happiness. If it is a hot day make a tepid bath to cool yourself and your mind. Connection to the earth Spend time connecting to the earth. Get your shoes off and plant your feet upon the ground. Feel the earths energy beneath you. Visualise roots growing from your feet moving down deep into our Mother Earth connecting to her grounding energy, that which stabilises and sustains us. ![]() Protective Boundary Summer Solstice is the perfect time to capture and work with the strong energy of fire. Carry a lit candle around the boundary of your property visualising a sphere of light forming, its power emanating from the candles flame. This will create a barrier of protection for all that dwell within your home. Gratitude Spend ten minutes each evening before you go to sleep to think of your day and write a list of a few things you are grateful for that happened throughout that day. Really feel the gratitude and joy that you have experienced, allow it to fill every cell within your body. What a beautiful way to end your day before you drift off to sleep. I hope you are able to schedule some time to celebrate the summer solstice.
If I can leave you with any words of wisdom it is that it is so very important to carve out time within your busy life to connect to our seasonal celebrations, our moons phases, to the ebb and flow of our mother goddesses energy. Her cycles reflects those within us. You will absolutely notice the difference within your magick and also mental health when you take this time to stop, ground, centre and connect. Blessed Be Niki ![]() Homemade Washing Liquid with a little bit of magick. (Which is also better for the environment and very low cost) Here I will share with you a little magick within the mundane. Know that when it is noted to stir the mixture, I’m stirring in a banishing direction (clockwise in the southern hemisphere and opposite in the northern) while holding the intention of infusing the potion with the power to cleanse and clear both the mundane dirt and grime as well as the magickal icky energy that may have weaved itself within the cloth. Ingredients to make approx. 10 litres - 1.5 litres water. - Half a cup washing soda. - Half a cup grated washing soap or soap flakes - Half cup of borax (I usually don’t add this this) Into a medium sized saucepan add the water and the soap on low to medium heat. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved then add the washing soda and the borax if you are using it. Stir until thickened and remove from heat. I then pour a bit of this mixture into each of the bottles (5 old 2 litre milk container bottles) then fill them to just over 3/4 full with warm water. I place the lids on and leave on the bench to cool. The laundry liquid will thicken up as it cools and often separates so I shake the bottles quite a few times during the cooling process. I use about a quarter to half a cup of the mixture per load, depending on how dirty the clothing is. And there you are. A little bit of magick in the mundane. Weaving magick into making your own washing liquid which, as mentioned, is also better for the environment and very low cost. Blessed Be Niki )O( ![]() For as long as I can remember I have kept the shells from the eggs that I use throughout the year and each spring I create a boundary around my home. Note: please ensure you wash the shell immediately after use and let them dry before putting them into a jar otherwise you will have a smelly disgusting mess that cannot be used for your magick. I do not recall where I first heard or read this simple protection method, it would have been many many moons ago, however over the years I've come to appreciate its simplicity and what I believe is a wonderful simple reasoning that sits well within me. I use these eggshells to create a boundary around my property. This is a boundary of protection not only against negativity but also protection from things that are not of my best interest. That could be circumstances, opportunities or people that would not be beneficial within my life, and may prevent me moving towards my full potential. Now those circumstances, opportunities or people may not necessarily be 'negative' but by simply entering my life may cause distraction and hinder me from achieving my full potential. Now to understand 'how' it may work I will share with you why it sits so well with me, this little hedge witch.
Think of plant. Some plants you will sprinkle a circle of eggshells around to stop slugs and snails accessing the plant. Now slugs and snails are not negative creatures, they have their purpose within the world, but they are just not beneficial for that particular plant and its growth therefore, the barrier is protecting the plant so it may reach its full potential. Does that make sense? So that is what I do by sprinkling eggshells around my property each year. I am ensuring that I, and everyone under this roof, has the opportunity to reach their full potential protected from possible distractions or obstacles. A time of fullness and abundance Of wonder and gratitude ![]() This will be a longer blog post today as before I delve into my topic today, I wanted to share with you something wonderful I experienced yesterday that has meant so much to me. I was sitting outside in my little reading nook amongst my jasmine, and I see something move to my left. As I look, I see something emerging from a cocoon. Something curiously strange. I had no idea what it was emerging but I was so close to it to be able to see every little detail. I immediately grabbed my phone and started recording some of the experience. Click here to be directed to the Instagram reel I shared of it. The creature eventually went back inside of its cocoon, and I was concerned for its safety (we’ve a lot of myna birds that hang around the front of my home that yell at my cats) so I moved it further into the jasmine bush to provide some safety. I came inside and sat within my library space and began to reflect on what I’ve witnessed. ![]() Watching a creature emerge from its cocoon, so close to Lughnasadh and also leading up to the full moon, I felt it held great symbology for me at this time and I decided to delve a little deeper into this, which may be guidance from my ancestors, as I’ve seen those types of cocoons before but never known what it was brewing inside. It turns out it’s the Saunders case moth. Their larvae stage can last up to 2 years emerging as a magnificent moth. Also, while in this stage within their cocoon they move about, poking their head out to find food, to move about etc so that’s what the little guy was doing. I had a bit of a laugh to myself as I feel I am reflected within that story and I am sure it was a message from the ancestors. I have been in a similar transition stage for couple of years now. I have been studying to enhance my skills for the business I dream of creating, to assist people to deepen their understand of self, to help create a deeper connection with the earth and its cycles. My studies have been to strengthen my ability to counsel clients through any grief or trauma that may emerge within their work. I have been in a cocoon for years, still moving about the do what I need to do, continue my studies, working full time, adulting, all things like that but I am transforming at the same time. I am soon to emerge from my cocoon, still a little more cooking to do but I am not far off and I am grateful for the process. Let me circle back to what I originally wanted to talk about in this blog post, the Full Moon. ![]() On the Full Moon I believe that this is a wonderful time for gratitude, reflection and of course power. I will reflect on what my transformation has taught me to date and what I am yet to achieve making powerful adjustments to move forward. So what will you do this Full Moon? I do have worksheets that are available to help you through working your magick (click here) however, lets go over something simple but powerful you can work on your magick on. Now let’s set the atmosphere. This is no way something you have to do, but to build ambience try sit on the night of the full moon near a window by candlelight letting the soft energy help shift you into altered states to tap into your magick. Reflection, a powerful tool in your magickal tool kit. Reflect on what has happen since the last Full Moon. What are some things that stand out that had happened and reflect on what played has out. How does it affect what you are working on? Did it play out as expected? Would you change anything about the situation (that was in your control)? Would you change your behaviour or reactions? By doing an honest reflection on your magick, achievements, failures and any thing that happen day to day can help to bring light to situations so you may learn from these experiences therefore making changes within your life to help you move forward and align with your purpose or goals. The next thing I will suggest is gratitude. Now this is something that would benefit us to do often however, if you make it a part of your Full Moon magick combing it with the powerful energy within this moons phase, you are communicating to the ancestors your deeply felt gratitude, sending that energy out to align with more and, at the very least, you will begin to recognise more and more things within your life that you can be grateful for filling you will an abundant mindset rather than that of lack. I hope these simple, yet powerful suggestions will help you this Full Moon to connect to its powerful energy and the gentle flow of the phases of the moon. Blessed Be Niki Lughnasadh - 2nd February We are weaving our way through the summer months and although it has been quite a cool and wet summer we are yet to feel its intense heat. As I've mentioned a million times before I am not a fan of summer and the heat that it brings so when Lughnasadh arrives I am reminded that we are in the decent into the cooler months of the year. Lughnasadh is traditionally known as the first of three harvests, a time where we begin to reap all that will sustain us throughout the winter months, both a physical and metaphysical harvest. It is wonderful time to acknowledge what you have achieved since the initial thoughts of your intentions at Winter Solstice and initiated or sewn at the Lammas through to Spring Equinox. I have taken the time to look through my intentions and I have achieved a few things but if I am to be honest, not as much as what I had hoped, it’s been quite a tricky time. But that's OK. I will continue to work towards my goals, maybe tweak some the intentions that I'd previously thought of and with this first harvest I will also create some magick to keep the abundant energy flowing to help sustain me over the winter months. I will be creating a corn husk dolly for protection and to ensure the fertile energy stays with me to assist in my creations and I will also be baking a harvest sheaf decoration as an offering to the ancestors to place upon my altar. I don’t grow corn... Yet !! (note to self - grow some for next year), so this morning I have purchase some to use the husks to create this dolly. I hadn’t thought about it before, however I will make a video when I create my corn husk dolly to show you how to do but in the interim, there are plenty on YouTube to show you. You will see from the photos above, I have taken the husks off my corn, cut each end and flattened them out as much as I can. I will leave them to dry for a couple days before I begin. The other materials I will be using is some string I already have aswell as a little bit of scrap material that I will roll up to create the shape of a head when placing a husk over it. Side note: my magick is becoming more and more simplistic. When I am thinking about my magick and what I will be working on I am reminded of the amount of waste that is created within our everyday lives, even in ritual and magick. So, I always take note of what I will be working with to ensure it is simplistic and produces the least amount of waste. I encourage you to do the same and just work magick with what you have and what you accumulate over the years of your practice. When I complete my corn husk dolly, on the day of Lughnasadh I will place it upon my altar with the intention of assisting me in my life by keeping the creative energy flowing towards my intentions and to protect against what may stand in my way. Finally I will be making a decorative harvest sheaf. I create these each year and I absolutely adore the process. It takes quite some time, it is extremely fiddly but I find it very meditative and gives me time to slow down and infuse the sheaf with gratitude for all that I have and for what I am yet to achieve. After all, this is an offering I leave to the ancestors so what wonderful energy to give them. I have a wonderful baking book that I purchased when I was younger and I came across this recipe. I would say that was about 15 years ago and I have been making it for Lughnasadh since. It is wonderful and as I mentioned very time consuming so I feel such a sense of achievement when it is completed. I usually make a large one as per the recipe however, last year I divided the dough into 3 to create little ones for friends. (the first photo on the left is a little one) I encourage you to try it and if you cannot save the photo from here shoot me an email and I will send you a larger photo or I am sure there will be a recipe on the internet somewhere. (Note to self : create a recipe section within me website). I would also like to add that I do bake it at a lower temperature and for a longer time as I use it for decoration it has to be hard as a rock and have all the moisture cooked out of it so it will not mould. (noted in the 'cook's tips' on the recipe.)
If you choose to create either a corn husk dolly or a decorative sheaf share it on your social media and tag me so I can see your creation. Wishing you a blessed Lughnasadh. Niki Leading up to the stroke of midnight on the 31st December a lot of you may have decided to create change within their lives. Some simple changes that will fit nicely into your life and some major changes that will take some time to manifest. It’s been a couple of weeks now and if you find that those simple changes are not fitting so nicely into your life or those major changes may now see too big from where you are sitting at the moment, it may be beneficial to obtain some guidance from your ancestors for some direction and support. Being the first Dark Moon within the calendar year is this Sunday (22nd January), it is a great time to slip between the worlds to connect with your ancestors, your guides, the gods, whom ever you connect too, to obtain guidance to become clear on how to move forward. So this blog post, I thought I would share with you what I usually on the Dark Moon to tap into the shadows and connect. As I begin to set up my space, which is usually at the dining table or coffee table, I will think on the changes I want to make within my life, visualise how I think that will happen and connect with my ancestors asking them to step forward to share guidance with me. While I am putting the kettle on to boil some water, I choose an oracle or tarot deck I wish to work with and place it on the table and also gather other items which include my tea cup, candles, a pendulum, an incense blend, my worksheet and diary/grimoire. With the kettle boiled I make a pot of tea so I may tap into the art of tasseography, obtaining guidance from the symbols left in my tea cup from the tea leaves. I am very lucky to have a few of my late grandmother’s tea sets so I always use one of those to aid the connection to my ancestors. ![]() I place the pot of tea on my table and sit for a moment looking to ensure I have everything I need on hand so I may begin and concentrate on my Dark Moon Magick. With everything in check I pour a cup while thinking of the connection I have with my ancestors again asking them to step forward to share guidance. I place the cup on the saucer to cool and begin to shuffle my cards again, thinking of the connection to my ancestors and what I would like guidance on. I let three cards fall from the deck as I shuffle and as I sip my tea, I look upon the cards as I turn them over one by one letting the image sink in and come alive within my mind to discover and receive guidance. The messages I then note them down on my worksheet, all while sipping my cup of tea. When the card reading is complete, and the tea is all but gone, I transition my concentration over to tasseography. I prepare my cup and while I stare into the cup, almost like in a trance with my eye changing focus, I let the symbology within the leaves tell a story again writing what I have seen within my worksheet. I spend quite some time on the Dark Moon to connect with and obtain guidance from my ancestors as it is so beneficial to my life. When time permits I also sink into meditation to seek guidance and, as it will this month falling on a weekend, I will have that extra time to spend in nature to seek guidance from the nature spirits that are also between the veils at this time. You may not have the time to do it all each Dark Moon, but I do encourage you to do something to connect with your ancestors, they are there waiting for you. You've heard me make reference to worksheetsWithin each of the moons phases I use the worksheets I created to prompt me to be aware of where to focus my energy and to document what I do and achieve throughout the phases. If you would like to utilise these worksheets click here to be directed to my etsy shop.
The wonderful thing is that you purchase once and reprint each Dark Moon to complete and add to your grimoire. It is important to keep notes so you may reflect on the guidance from time to time when you are working your magick so you may track your progress. I sincerely hope you are able to obtain some guidance this Dark Moon to help you on your path. If you do need some assistance click here to jump on over to my website, perhaps a personal session will help you along your way. ![]() Beautiful Chamomile A wonderful and gentle herb. I would say that I mostly use Chamomile as a tea to help me wind down just before I go to bed. Sleep is so very important for mental health and I can tell you that if I do not get a good nights sleep my mental health suffers terribly so many moons ago I created a ritual for getting ready for a good nights sleep. Part of that ritual is, after having a lovely warm shower, sitting all comfortable in my my bed reading a book while sipping a lovely cup of chamomile tea. This ritual allows my body relax and slip into a wonderful and rejuvenating sleep. Perhaps if you have not already, you could create a ritual that promotes restful sleep. ![]() Working with the Moon It is Dark moon on Thursday. A time to delve into the unknown, the shadows to gain insight and guidance. As we are moving towards the Summer Solstice, a time of significant growth and abundance, I will be consulting with my Ancestors for guidance around how to move forward with my counselling / consulting business and support with creating the changes I would like to make to create a simpler life. What guidance will you be seeking? ![]() Sacred Spaces within your home Creating sacred spaces within your home is so important to feel connected to yourself and your magick. I have many sacred areas within my home, I realise I am lucky practically living on my own, that you could almost say that my whole house is a sacred area with little sections within. These sacred areas are always morphing and changing as we move through the seasons, but they are always there. If you are interested, I will share many of the sacred spaces within my home, but today I will share with you photo, it is a corner of my kitchen bench. Within this space I have my kitchen mortar and pestle, my tea strainer, herbs, spices and beautiful plants. When I am cooking I light the candle to inspire and energise. When I am cleaning up after a meal I also light incense to cleanse the space. It is functional and also very aesthetically pleasing to look upon it. It is an absolutely beautiful area to gaze upon and work my magick. Do you have a sacred area within your kitchen space? ![]() Spring gently flowed into my home this year. The warmth and light seeped in through the cracks of the windows and doors that had been closed so tightly throughout winter. I spent this equinox gently moving through my home cleansing, clearing and making plans for the changes I wish to make. I filled my altar with wonderful flowers and new candles to welcome and honour spring. This wonderful and gentle spring energy filled me with inspiration and it is a welcomed change for many. This winter has certainly been a dark, cold and wet one both physically and mentally and with spring coming forth there is a new energy of inspiration, acceptance and contentment. ![]() To celebrate this spring I decided to work with the beautiful, powerful yet gentle energy of lavender. I created some beautiful lavender lemonade and it was absolutely delicious. I will say though that perhaps next time I may not add the water at the end. I may keep it as the initial syrup and add that to sparling water instead. However, following is the recipe so you may create it yourself to use the power of lavender in your equinox magick. What a wonderful beverage for the coming Beltane. Note: It is important to obtain food grade lavender that may be used for culinary purposes, I purchased mine from Mudbrick Herb Cottage. When you have finished the initial syrup you may also want to taste a little to determine if you have to adjust the sugar or lemon juice content to seek the perfect balance of sweet to compliment the sharp taste of the lemon. To make the syrup you will need:
Within a heat proof container place the lavender and sugar. Rub the lavender into the sugar to gently release the scent. Do this for a few minutes. Pour the two cups of boiling water over the mixture of lavender and sugar stirring until all the sugar has melted. Cover and let the mixture infuse for at least 30 minutes. When ready strain the syrup and pour into a pitcher adding the lemon juice. At this point, you may keep as is and add to sparkling water to taste for a refreshing sparking drink or you may continue on by adding the 2 cups of cold water. Either way place the mixture in a jug in the fridge to cool. It is absolutely delicious and refreshing and I will continue to create this over the warmer months, perhaps even adding a dash of Vodka when it calls for it. ![]() I also created some beautiful lavender sugar, it is so simple to make. All you need is 1 tablespoon culinary dried lavender and 2 cups of sugar. Place the dried lavender in a food processor and blend it for approx 20 seconds to chop it into smaller pieces then place 1 cup of the sugar to the processor and do the same until the lavender is finely ground and mixed with the sugar. Pour the blended ingredients into a bowl and mix in the remaining sugar, ensuring that the lavender is thoroughly dispersed. Now all you need to do is transfer the sugar into air tight containers. That's it! So wonderfully simple. Use this beautiful mixture in your tea, when cooking etc. Lately I have been adding a little of this magickal sugar into my bread mixture to add some of the beautiful magick of lavender to my cooking. You do not taste it in the bread but I believe that the energy is there. Hmmm.... I may try lavender bread next.... with honey!! Click here for to watch my Instagram Reel making the sugar I do hope this has inspired you, if you haven't used made these before, to create something new to connect with the flow and newness of spring. My equinox was simple, gentle and inspiring. I am feeling very content with this fresh energy wafting through my home and I hope you are feeling the same. Wishing you a belated and amazing spring equinox and that you continue to work you magick over the coming weeks to welcome the energy. Much Love Niki As the weeks inch away from Winter Solstice you may notice that the sun is staying out that little bit more each day, showing us it’s strength and resilience throughout the dark time of the year. This is notion is what I connect with at this time of the year. Strength and ResilienceAt winter solstice I work my magick on releasing what I no longer need within my life. This is usually releasing limiting thoughts and self sabotaging behaviours that creates blockages and stops me achieving what I want to achieve. I work my magick on leaving it behind within the darkness, letting it die off and decay. Allowing that decay to fertilise and nourishing what I want to bring my life. When releasing the past I find it is very important to acknowledge what I have learned and give thanks for those lessons. Doing this can certainly be a hard task, but it is an important part of the process as I wouldn't be who I am today without those lessons. So with my list written and acknowledgements given I burn the list within the solstice fire. For a week or so after solstice I keep a note book close and write down what I want to attract into my life. It is nothing too detailed, just jotting down what I wish to achieve when the thought enters my mind. After that time, still between solstice and Imbolc, I allocate time to myself so I may focus on that list without distraction and begin to discover what it is I really want to achieve. I let the increasing energy of the sun shine its light and energy on this and begin to make plans on how I will in fact achieve this. We are now very close to Imbolc and although I do not have all my plans figured out I begin to take action. Both physically and magically so let me share this with you to inspire you to do the same. At this time of year, I will plant my seeds to encourage growth. What do I mean by planting my seeds? I will visualise what it may look like when I have achieved my goals and begin to make plans on how I can work towards achieving them by creating an action plan. This can be as simple as a daily, weekly or monthly to do list. I must express the importance of when creating plans for change, please make sure that when you begin these actions and changes of habits are achievable steps. You do not want to sabotage yourself or your progress before you have even started. These small actionable steps are 'seeds' that I am planting to grow my future. I will begin making those little changes one by one, creating new habits. Now, to correspond with that I will also be planting actual seeds to grow plants that I want within my garden. When planted, these little seeds will wake from their slumber and begin to germinate beneath the soil. With love and nourishment they will grow in strength with their roots growing deep within the soil. Here, I would like to point out that this magickal transformation of the seed beneath the soil is hidden from me. I do not actually see, I just know that it is happening and may not see any results of this transformation for weeks. These seedlings are a psychical representation of the changes I am wanting to work within my life. I will move through and make the small actionable changes within my life to achieve what I want and within the first few weeks, I may not recognise anything manifesting from these changes. Why? Because it is all happening within myself, in the depths of my being, in my mind and also in the realm of my magick that is not always visible. When you are making little changes within yourself and your life and when those changes become a habit, make another change. After a few weeks or months of taking those actionable steps, you will begin to see results, however small they are just as the growth of the seed breaking through the top of the soil reaching towards the energy of the sun. So as we move towards Imbolc I encourage you to connect with the energy, to work your magick and put plans into place to make those changes that you have wanted. Your magick will be enhanced at this time as we are moving in the flow of the waxing time of the year as the suns energy increases. You may also want to choose seeds for plants that have energetic correspondences with the changes you wish to make. For example: If you are wanting to make changes to bring harmony and health into your life, you may wish to plant seeds for lavender or chamomile. If you are wanting to take a leap and make create some long term goals, you may want to plant seeds for courage such as Yarrow, or Sage for wisdom when making decisions. Or if you just wish to slow down and connect deeper with nature you could simply plant seeds for plants that call to you and that you could use within your life, ones that have beautiful flowers or aromas that you can sit and appreciate while watching the bees collect its pollen. I encourage you to take some time, plant your seeds and attend to your magick. Niki xx ![]() Sometimes it can be so hard to really understand the guidance you are receiving from your Ancestors. It can seem so cryptic, as if it has come out of nowhere. But has it? My question to you is Do you keep a record of the guidance you receive over previous dark moon periods? When you do a reading for yourself the cards usually tell a story but, have you ever thought that over the many Dark Moons that you have connected with your Ancestors that they may be telling an even bigger story? For example, this coming Dark Moon you may receive some guidance that seems to come out of nowhere and is quite cryptic, but perhaps it's just the next paragraph in a bigger story from previous guidance and your Ancestors have just picked up the story where they left off, rather than repeating themselves with what they have already told you. This is the exact reason I recommend that you write down all of the guidance received by your Ancestors so you may refer back to it for clarity when you receive guidance that does not seem to make any sense, to see where it fits into the bigger story. The Dark Moon will be upon us soon and with so many of us struggling with the current state of affairs within the world, not knowing what to do with our lives, how to make the changes we need to make, where to start or how to move forward it is a great opportunity to connect and receive the much needed guidance. So begin your Ancestor story Seek guidance from them, and if needed do some more research on what is being shown to you, write it all down so you can refer to it in the future if needed. For the next two weeks (until 17th Sept) I have created a discount code for 15% off my worksheets to assist you with your magick. Code is: SEPTANCESTERS Or simply click here - photos below of the different worksheets for the moon phases I hope you are all well at this time and are making self care a priority within your life. Blessed Be Niki xx We are in such difficult times at the moment with the lockdowns and restrictions due to the current pandemic. Many of us are struggling with our mental health and how to cope through this lockdown, how to cope with the unrest within our community with people who agree with vaccination and those that do not agree fighting with each other all while we are worrying about what the world will look like when this is all over, however long that takes. It is quite a weight on our minds. We are all struggling in one way or another with limited ability to be able to do what we would usually do to help ourselves navigate through this time. With the shops locked down we are unable to purchase supplies on the spare of the moment for creative projects or books to read. This all have to be purchased online and we wait the delivery which is also being held up. We are unable to go and sit in a café watching the world go by. Some of us are unable to even travel more than 5km's from our home. So here are time magick and mundane things that you can do to create to help. Soak in a beautiful cleansing bath![]() Run yourself a bath and create these bath salts. Blend some two parts Epsom salts with one part bicarb soda Mental and Physical Clearing One cup of the Epson salt and bicarb salt mixture One teaspoon of Lavender One few drops of Frankincense Oil One teaspoon of Sandalwood One teaspoon of Jasmine To aid in removing your mind of negative thoughts and feelings. One cup of the Epson salt and bicarb salt mixture 1 drops of Frankincense 1 drops of Sandalwood 1 drops of Jasmine 1 teaspoon of Jasmine Flowers 1 drops of Neroli 1 drops of Ylang Ylang 1 drops of Ginger 1 drops of Rose 1 teaspoon of Rose Petals Release your worries with fire![]() Get a pen and paper and sit in quiet place. Have a candle ready and a heat proof container Light your candle Ground yourself and take a deep breath Now write down on the piece of paper all the worries that are floating around in your mind. Write down what is troubling you, your fears and your concerns. Feel the energy of those thoughts moving into the words that are on the paper. Now hold the paper to the flame and feel them leaving you are the paper ignites. Place the burning paper within the heatproof bowl watching it turn to ash. Now, on another piece of paper write down your hopes and dreams. Write down how you can use this time in a positive manner. What can you do to work towards your dreams, for example learning a craft, reading and investigating an interest you’ve had, delve into your ancestry, start growing your own herbs etc. Almost like a to do list. Hold onto this piece of paper and when you are feeling hopeless and worried about the future, look to the paper you have created and do something to work towards what you hace written. Have a picnic in your backyard![]() My favourite café is down the road from my house and you can phone in an order and pick it up. Maybe your café is even offered on a delivery service. Why not set up a picnic area in your backyard. This was me all set up waiting for my food to arrive. Grab a picnic rug or blanket, some beautiful pillows, incense burning, your favourite book, a journal, your grimoire, some relaxing music or whatever else makes you feel relaxed. Get your favourite takeaway lunch and spend some time soaking up the vitamin D and warmth from the sun. Let it fill you. You could even set this up at a certain time with friends and they could create the picnic within their yards and you could video call together. These are some simple things that you can do to bring about some magick and some kind of normality into your life. Giveaway ![]() I have made some of the Mental and Physical Healing bath salts for myself and I have some left over, I would love to gift some to two of you. If you would like some, share this blog post on your social media and tag me. I will contact the lucky two for your postal address to send some magick your way. Blessed Be Niki New Moon is the perfect time to begin to make changes within your life. It is the beginning of the new lunar cycle. A time of fresh starts, new opportunities and renewed energy. We are experiencing such a trying time at the moment with the pandemic and many of us are are being forced to make changes in our life with the loss of jobs, lockdown etc. Some of these changes are welcomed and some no so. I lost my job a few months ago, and now studying full time and building my business. A forced change, a hard one financially but one I am thankful for. I continue to work through the phases of the moon to anchor my dreams and increase the energy of my magick. You may also harness the strength of the moons phases to take some control and make the changes you would like to make within your life. Here, I would like to remind you to keep in mind that when you are working magick, it may not manifest immediately. These things can certainly take time to manifest and it is also important to take action. There is really no use working your magick and and then just sitting back and wait for it to happen. It you want it to manifest you have to put in the work. It is about the energy you put into your magick, the work you do within the mundane and of course I believe timing contributes as well. ![]() So how can you work your magick this New Moon. Firstly, find a space where you will not be interrupted, light a candle, burn some incense while grounding yourself to begin. Sit and take a moment to think of the changes that you wish to make within your life whatever it may be. Whether it be creating a new business, becoming healthier in your body and mind to change your diet and exercise, creating new healthy routines etc. Sink into a meditative state and focus on what you are wanting to bring into your life, visualising the steps you could take and the outcome. Take note of what it feels like when manifested. See yourself living as if you have already made the changes. Ask your ancestors to share some guidance with you on steps you may take to get there. When you are ready, open your eyes and write down what you saw, the outcome, any ideas that popped into your mind, the steps you may have taken. Write the big picture and also note the feelings experienced. Once you have written down what you have seen, create an action plan by breaking your vision down into smaller pieces, into steps that are needed to get to that stage. You may need to repeat this stage with each step, as you need to get an action plan that has 'doable' steps. You want these steps to be easily woven into your daily life to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This is important to be able to maintain the changes to works towards your dreams and to avoid things to feel overwhelming and unattainable. For example, a) My dream is to have a counselling office/shop showroom/ritual space/workshop area all rolled into one to run my business from. Now this would be a huge outlay to lease a commercial premises and I know that I cannot do that at this time, however I have created that within my home by being imaginative with room arrangements. And, to add to that we are in lockdown at the moment so one on one is impossible therefore I am taking my time to create the space so it is perfect. I am currently waiting on a delivery of jars so I may reorganise my herb collection (I am so excited for this). I am making changes to keep the flow and energy fresh for when I am able to take one on one appointments again, hold workshops etc. b) I need to create more of a presence on social media to get the word out on the work I am doing, the services I am offering and the products I create to sell. So I am creating lists of content I can create, mostly for educational purposes through pictures, videos etc. I cannot click my fingers and have it all done now but I have a list that I can go down making them when time permits. My suggestion is to start with small steps from your action plan, and as they meld into your everyday life, add more steps. Continue this through to waxing phase of the moon as the energy builds. Keep note of how the changes are working and how you feel. Again, your magick may take time, especially if it is altering habits that you have had over a long period of time and as we all know, habits do not change overnight. I would love you to share with me what magick you are working this new moon. Don't forget to tag me in your social media posts so I can see. If you need help on how to work your magick, I do have worksheets available in my shop that are certainly a great way to keep track of your magick, and I also offer consults if you would prefer one on one support. Blessed Be Niki XX |
June 2024