What an absolutely lovely time of year. Today is Spring Equinox and the weather has been absolutely beautiful. The sun was out, the birds were singing and now that I am sitting in my studio space to write this it is dark outside and the crickets are singing. As with all of the solstice celebrations, I had taken a few days off my day job to create an extra long weekend off work to take in the energy and celebrate and what a beautiful weekend it has been. I have been able to immerse myself in what is the energy of new beginnings and the reminder of finding the balance within our lives. I will share with you my weekend of magick I went for another hike on Saturday back into the Strickland State Forest with my son. It had rained overnight so although the falls are quite small, there was more water falling than the last time I visited. It was absolutely beautiful and invigorating being immersed in the energy of that place, and an extra cleansing was received when it rained ever so slightly falling through the trees. I was also mesmerized with a tree that is growing out of the top of the waterfall. Its root system literally weaving its way into the cracks and crevices to keep it sturdy. How magnificent nature is. On the way back we walked another path back to the carpark and found ourselves on a cliff face that looked out above the treetops. It was absolutely stunning and I could not get a photo that did the view any justice. That Saturday evening I met with friends at the beach for some equinox magick. A simple little ritual created by a friend to connect with the magick of the sabbat and put our energies and minds within the flow of this fresh spring energy of new beginnings and growth. On Sunday it was a rainy and windy day but I wanted to get out of the house so I packed up everything into my van and went down the beach, set myself up all cosy in the back and studied for a few hours. It was lovely being in my own little world studying with just the sound of the ocean in the background. I am so excited to be able to incorporate what I am learning into my Magickal Consults to assist you in working your magick to manifest your dream life. And of course, once my Diploma is complete, to be able to offer counselling services. On Monday a friend and I went for a drive to find a spring garden to have a picnic, and we didn’t find one.... I had planned to drive to the other side of Sydney to visit a botanical garden with their spring flowers in bloom, but I wasn’t prepared early enough to be able to do so. Disappointed at the garden we did visit (more rainforest and non flowering plants) we drove to a local art gallery to spend time immersed in creations. After doing the covid-19 sign in stuff, we entered the building only to see a sign that read the gallery was closed due to an exhibition change which lead me to think why they didn't mention that before we walked in. But anyway it wasn't a waste, there was a lovely short nature walk next to it we took. So off we went, back into the van and then visited a few nursery’s to get our fill of flowers, spring and bees. That afternoon, I went out into my garden, cut some rosemary and lavender and placed them upon my altar as an offering to the Ancestors and honouring the equinox. I also added the cutest little sunflower I had been given on Saturday evening that was apart of the equinox magick. Then today, the day of the equinox I realxed. Up early as I usually am I sat in my lounge room to read listening to the birds outside and feeling the warm breeze coming in through my windows. It was an absolutely beautiful day. I walked outside, sat in my garden and watched the bees move through the flowers. My lavender has gone crazy. It is big and soooo beautiful. I adore it. I also filled my day by crushing all of my eggshells, I did do a tiny bit of study, attended a lecture for my uni course this evening and then worked my equinox magick. What magick you ask? Well it is very simple and has worked its way into my many little traditions for the sabbat magick I weave. It is something that I have done for many years, longer than I can remember. Throughout the year, I wash and collect all the eggshells that I use within my kitchen. I wash the eggshells, leave them on the windowsill to dry them place them within a big glass jar upon my bench. On the day of the spring equinox, I use my mortar and pestle and bit by bit I crush and grind the eggshells until they are smaller pieces, not quite powder, just tiny little pieces and while doing so I concentrate on my thoughts and energy of the protection that they will create. When it is done, I walk the perimeter of my property scattering the crushed shells along the boundary envisaging the protective barrier that already exists in that space being re-energised, growing brighter and feeling more powerful protecting all within from any shenanigans that may come our way to disrupt our growth and momentum with our plans to manifest what we are working on. And that is it. My simple yet very effective little Spring Equinox tradition. Apart from ensuring that today I took time out to pay attention to the bees within my herb garden, listening to the bird etc that was the magick that I weaved today. Simple, but a hole year in the making with the collection the eggshells knowing that they will be used on the Spring Equinox to work my magick. I hope you all had a beautiful Spring Equinox and I would love you to share with me the magick that you have weaved. Lots of Love Niki xx
As I have mentioned before, I am making some big changes within my life to move toward my dreams. A big change that I have made is enrolling into University to complete a Diploma in Counselling to aid and strengthen my consults, workshops etc. I am beyond excited about commencing my studies and OMG they start tomorrow. Things are definitely falling into place. For the last few months I have been on the lookout for a new pendant to wear to honour the changes that I am making within my life, to empower the pendant with my magick and that of my Ancestors to aid me on my journey. On Friday when I was out and about I found the pendant I have been looking for. A simple clear quartz crystal pendant It is beautiful and of the three that I looked at this one called out to me. I sat the pendant on a bed of sage upon my altar not wanting to wear it as yet. This morning, I woke up and decided to go for a hike and immediately knew where I would go knowing that it was the perfect place to cleanse my crystal pendant to empower and wear. It was absolutely beautiful. Divine.... Walking through the forest was so calming and magickal.
Could you imagine living in a little cottage within a forest. Apart from my fear of snakes (which I will definitely have to work on) it is my dream. So walking through to forest, only passing one or two people on my journey I listened to everything that was happening around me. The sound of the birds The waterfall in the distance The rustling within the bushes It was beautiful The energy quite overwhelming Arriving at the waterfall I walked up to a rock beneath it and placed the crystal pendant upon it speaking to my Ancestors and empowering the pendant with our combined magick while the gentle mist from the waterfall fell upon me also. Leaving the pendant on the rock I found a space to sit. Taking in the energy Looking around I swear I saw faces within the trunks of some of the trees. The spirits of the area checking out what I was doing. I sat in the space for about 30 mins until I heard voices in the distance approaching. I returned to the rock and put on my newly energised pendant on my necklace. I left the crystal pendant that I had been wearing for a few years on the rock as an offering of thanks. I cannot tell you the immense magick that I felt. The beauty within the moment. As I was joined by other hikers finding their way to the waterfall I decided it was time to leave the space. Walking along the path, being on my own again I chanted and sang. Weaving my magick Connecting to my Ancestors and the energies that surrounded the space. This will always be a special space for me. Niki xx |
June 2024