Within the last week I have had discussions on three separate occasions with people about their plans for the future. I heard dreams of living on a property in the country, moving further up the coast to a beautiful and quite beach area and also living in a studio apartment in the city. I also shared my dreams of what I envision for my future. With one of my friends we even jumped onto realestate.com.au and searched for the price of land just a little further up the coast as she was also looking for a holiday spot aswell to maybe build a tiny home. All these conversations were beautiful, however I saw the message within the serendipity of having three of these conversations in one week and the thing that stood out with every one of the conversations is that they all have a plan. And guess what…. I don’t. Yes, I dream of what I want to manifest but I have not put any plans in place to manifest them. No actual physical plans. All of the people I spoke to have or will have the means to follow their dreams and know how they will manifest them. They all have an action plan and time frame. I was a little shocked to realise that I actually don’t. I simply have dreams and apart from vision boards, journaling and speaking about my dreams I have not put anything into action. Even simply opening a bank account to save for the land I want. At this time in my life, I would only be saving a small amount per week, but that is better than nothing right?! I mean, there is power in trusting that the universe has your back and that it will manifest, but really, it will manifest a lot faster if I actually do something more about it. So this week I have been told of three peoples plans. That when the youngest has finished university they will be able to make the change. That in a year when a lease is up there is the option to pack up and move away. And one already making the move, just waiting for the house and job to be ready. And here I am still dreaming about my dreams. I thought to myself.... Wtf Niki !!! And then I immediately had a feeling that I was being left behind. Seeing people that are close to me actually making their dreams happen and I am stuck in the dreaming stage for my long-term goals. So there it is… A wake up call? A ‘You’re not getting any younger so better start planning now!’ message from the Ancestors? I will say I am always working my magick manifesting and weaving the energies that surround us to bring what I need in the short term, and of course always putting the energy out there for my long term goals, but actually putting an action plans in place, I haven’t even begun. So what are my dreams for the future To own a little bit of land near the beach. It doesn’t have to be a huge acreage or anything, but I would like it to be private with a lot of space between neighbours. It would have to have enough space to grow my own food, and I would love for the home to be as environmental friendly and sustainable as I can create it. A quirky little want is a secluded outdoor bath surrounded with plants and would be even better with a view of the ocean. A big bath is a must. I am tall. lol I would love to be immersed in creativity and to make a living from it so a studio space would be amazing. And last but not least, I want to fall in love and share my life and all of my dreams with him. So what am I going to do about it? Well to start with tomorrow I am opening a bank account to begin saving for my little piece of land. And with each turn of the moons cycle I will see that this account is increasing, and know that within the mundane my dreams are inching closer to me day by day. And as for falling in love.... Venus is looking after me. My ancestors have already told me, it is written and will happen. It will be an epic love and I just need patience. So tell me, what plans have you got for your future, and what actions are you putting in place to manifest them? Much love Niki
June 2024