Can you feel it?
I mean, it is still quite cold here but as the sun is staying out longer and longer each day shining bright and beautiful I feel the stirrings of change and growth deep within me. I have been spending more time outside in that beautiful sunshine, tending to my small areas of overgrown garden that I tend to neglect in winter and it is beautiful to sink my hands within the earth to soak up some of the grounding energy. Over the last couple of weeks it has been beautiful to see my lavender, rosemary and other herbs flowering attracting the bees as they move through in the air, floating gently from one flower to the other working their magick. I feel an awakening within. The seed of creation stirring, ready for my magick to bloom with the energy of Spring. As we are still right in the middle of a Pandemic I do hope you are well and coping with not knowing what the future will look like but deep down I believe we all know that a shift has happened but perhaps do not yet understand how deep that shift is. I hope you are able to take time out for yourself, to nurture yourself, to ground and centre, to be kind to yourself and others as this is something none of us have experienced before and it has certainly effected everyone in one way or another. If you are struggling at the moment be sure to reach out to family and friends and know that you are supported, we are all in this together and it will not last forever. I know we will come out of this with a fresh perspective on how to move forward with our lives. I have decided to acknowledge this as an opportunity within the chaos. To realise that I am able to create a new beginning for myself. No longer do I want to live how I did before, like groundhog day, in the grips of societies expectations and not truly believing that I deserve or can create the big changes that I want within my life. I have seen that I can and must forge my own path, to let go of the expectations that have been placed upon us by outdated beliefs within this society, the expectations I have placed on myself just trying to fit in, to let go of that part of myself that cares what people think, the self-conscious, fearful, anxious ‘must try to fit into a box’ person that I have become after many many years having to work within a corporate world. I've had enough. So, I have decided to study. I am going to start with a Diploma in Counselling. My passion has always been to be help people work their magick to manifest their dreams, to be helpful to my community and society, so I have decided that this diploma will be a perfect start. I already offer magickal consults to help people move forward with creating a life of authenticity by weaving their magick and working with the phases of the moon and the seasons. I also (before the pandemic put a stop to that) held workshops, womens circles and many other gatherings to encourage, support and share my knowledge. And after I finish my Diploma as well as the above I will also be able to offer counselling services, which of course those counselling consults will have magick weaving within them. My workshops and women circles can become more empowering, and I would also be able to volunteer time within my community to help those that cannot afford the help they may need. I am absolutely excited about this decision. But to be totally honest I am also a little terrified.. You know that part of you that likes to keep you safe in that cosy little comfort zone you have, well that Niki within me is coming up with a ton of reasons as to why I couldn’t possibly so this. But I am not letting those reasons seep into my bones, I am hearing them, acknowledging the fear around them and letting them go. I am lighting my Ancestral Candles. I can feel them beside me supporting my decision. I believe it was them who placed that little idea in my head this week confirming that this is the first step to the change that I have been craving. I feel this is right And now that I have said it out loud to you all, there is no turning back right!! So, I encourage you to ask yourself What do you want to achieve? What difference do you want to make in the world? What steps can you take to get there? What is holding you back? And now that you have answered those questions what are you going to do about it? Well I can tell you what I am going to do ! I will be enrolling next week. Wish me luck. Niki xoxox
June 2024