![]() On Sunday, (as I usually do) I spent time at my place at the beach. I am currently reading The Four Agreements. The book has floated in and out of my life many times over the years and I've never picked it up. But on the weekend, it again popped up and I grabbed it and delved in deep. There are words within the book that I cringe with, using the words spell, black magic and white magic in a way I would not, but I ignored my 'thoughts' on how those words are used and read on. Sitting at the beach I am reading through the second agreement. I got to a part where it says.... The mind has the ability to talk to itself, but it also has he ability to hear information that is available from other realms.... our minds also exist in the level of the gods.... It then went on to talk about the 'chatter' within our minds and not paying attention to it. About how the chatter within our minds is likened to walking through a shopping centre and hearing the noise from everyone talking etc and distracts us from 'being'. (we all know that right!?) That the mind lives in more than one dimension, and at times you perceive things not undestading their origin, and that can be from the place of the gods. I sat for a moment and thought about this. Staring out towards the ocean thinking of how when we work our magick we do tap into the place of the Gods. The world between world's. Then, in an instant, like someone had just turned up the volume of nature, all I could hear were the waves, the wind, the crickets, the birds etc. Sooooo loud. The feeling of the breeze against my skin was intense. Watching the magpies flying and dancing within the air was magnificent. And Omgoodness the colours of everything around me was brilliant. In that moment I felt like I had stepped between the vales and was experiencing everything so much clearer than I had ever before. I cannot describe it to you. It felt like it lasted a minute or two (but goodness knows really), but then some people ran up the sand dunes laughing and I returned to myself.... but wow.... what an experience. Simple yet Magickal Niki )O(
![]() I am so grateful for the connection that I have with the moon, with my ancestors and the gods. My connection is deep and very magickal. This Full Moon was a powerful one for me. As usual, every Full Moon, I join my tribe at the beach to dance and drum as the moon rises. This Full Moon, before the darkness arrived I walked to the oceans edge to give thanks to one particular Goddess. Aphrodite I have been working with Aphrodite for most of last year, asking her assistance to allow my heart to open to love. Late last year, Septembers Full Moon, the gods showed me that this was a possibility and I opened my heart to a man. It was beautiful and confronting all at the same time. It was a whirlwind few months with the Ancestors completely throwing me out out my comfort zone with everything moving along so quickly. Although it did not work out, destined that we would not be together, I was shown that I could in fact open my heart and allow love into my life. Yes, I was very sad that this relationship did not continue, heartbroken you could say. I was sad that our paths changed, and it was not destined to work and within that sadness I got angry with the Ancestors for putting me in this position of heartache. "They know how fragile I am in the arena of love", I thought, "they have been with me on my life's journey every step of the way, why would they do this?' but I did not sit in that energy for long. After many years of my heart being closed off to love, I realise that this is a possibility for me. So this Full Moon, I walked to the oceans edge with love in my heart and gave an offering of dried Rose Petals from the roses that adorned my altar at Beltane. I gave thanks to the Gods for meeting him, for bringing him into my life, allowing the deep connection to manifest so quickly therefore showing me that I could open my heart. Showing me that I can make room within my home, my heart and life for love. For that I am very grateful. For lessons I have learnt within those few months that we spent together. For finding my voice, for stepping outside my comfort zone, for showing me what I actually want within a relationship, for pushing through my fears and allowing me to be vulnerable. As I stood at the oceans edge I connected with Aphrodite sending her my energy and deep gratitude. Knowing that this experience has bought me that much closer to finding my love. Finding my twin flame. My Anam Cara I remind you that on the Full Moon, it is important for you to give thanks and extend your gratitude to the gods for all that you have and all the magick that has, or has not manifested. To thank them for their assistance. You cannot always ask, ask, ask without giving back to them. It is just rude and disrespectful. Our magick is not always about spell work, it is about connection. The balance of giving and receiving. You must take the time to just honour and give thanks. Blessings Niki )O( ![]() So you may have made some new years resolutions, all excited about the changes you want to make within your life, and then a week goes by you may sit and think, how am I actually going to manifest this within my life. How is it going to work? How can I keep on track? How can I make sure that I stick to this? One way you can do this is to connect to the phases of the moon, working with the waxing and waning energy. I have decided to create a range of incense blends for you to bring a little magick into your life. To help you work with the energies of the moon phases to manifest whatever your heart desires. To explain the energies in short, lets start at the: Dark Moon: A time to connect with your Ancestors or the Gods to receive guidance. New Moon: This is a time of New Beginnings. When you announce to the Gods and Ancestors what you are wanting to manifest. Waxing Moon Phase: This is the time between New and Full Moon when the energy of the moon in increasing and you can work your magick on attracting something to you. Full Moon: This is a time of abundance and great power. Any magick can be worked at this time Waning Moon Phase: This is the time between the Full & Dark Moon when the energy of the moon is decreasing in strength and you work your magick on releasing energy. We are then back at the Dark Moon. (For 2017 Moon Phase Dates click here) You can continue to work your magick through the phases of the moon to help you with your manifesting. Working in the waxing phase attracting and building, then working through the waning phase releasing blockages, that energy that is holding you back. When you connect with the moon phases, you can start to see the flow of your life and everyday, work your magick on manifesting your future. The first blend I have released is for this coming full moon The Full Moon energy strong, her energies at their peak. It is a great time to work magick on anything really, to utilise that powerful energy. Also, at the Full Moon it is a time of love and gratitude. To send that energy to your Ancestors and the Gods for all that you are manifesting within your life. This Full Moon Blend includes Frankincense Rose Petals Sandalwood Myrrh Benzoin Jump on over to my Etsy Shop to purchase before this coming Full Moon, 12th January. Limited available. As each phase of the moon phase comes upon us, I will explain within these blog posts what you can do. What will I be working on this Full Moon you ask? I will be asking the Gods and my Ancestors for strength and courage to step forward in my life, to step out of my comfort zone and bring forth my amazing future. I will be honouring them with deep gratitude for the lessons that I have learned, especially over the last few months. Its been a heart breaking time for me, but I am weaving my magick to work through it, and to release what I do not need, and to attract the changes that I need. With my magick, I can take responsibility for my feelings, my actions and my life. So why don’t you connect to the phases of the moon and manifest the life you have always wanted. |
June 2024