We are in such difficult times at the moment with the lockdowns and restrictions due to the current pandemic. Many of us are struggling with our mental health and how to cope through this lockdown, how to cope with the unrest within our community with people who agree with vaccination and those that do not agree fighting with each other all while we are worrying about what the world will look like when this is all over, however long that takes. It is quite a weight on our minds. We are all struggling in one way or another with limited ability to be able to do what we would usually do to help ourselves navigate through this time. With the shops locked down we are unable to purchase supplies on the spare of the moment for creative projects or books to read. This all have to be purchased online and we wait the delivery which is also being held up. We are unable to go and sit in a café watching the world go by. Some of us are unable to even travel more than 5km's from our home. So here are time magick and mundane things that you can do to create to help. Soak in a beautiful cleansing bath![]() Run yourself a bath and create these bath salts. Blend some two parts Epsom salts with one part bicarb soda Mental and Physical Clearing One cup of the Epson salt and bicarb salt mixture One teaspoon of Lavender One few drops of Frankincense Oil One teaspoon of Sandalwood One teaspoon of Jasmine To aid in removing your mind of negative thoughts and feelings. One cup of the Epson salt and bicarb salt mixture 1 drops of Frankincense 1 drops of Sandalwood 1 drops of Jasmine 1 teaspoon of Jasmine Flowers 1 drops of Neroli 1 drops of Ylang Ylang 1 drops of Ginger 1 drops of Rose 1 teaspoon of Rose Petals Release your worries with fire![]() Get a pen and paper and sit in quiet place. Have a candle ready and a heat proof container Light your candle Ground yourself and take a deep breath Now write down on the piece of paper all the worries that are floating around in your mind. Write down what is troubling you, your fears and your concerns. Feel the energy of those thoughts moving into the words that are on the paper. Now hold the paper to the flame and feel them leaving you are the paper ignites. Place the burning paper within the heatproof bowl watching it turn to ash. Now, on another piece of paper write down your hopes and dreams. Write down how you can use this time in a positive manner. What can you do to work towards your dreams, for example learning a craft, reading and investigating an interest you’ve had, delve into your ancestry, start growing your own herbs etc. Almost like a to do list. Hold onto this piece of paper and when you are feeling hopeless and worried about the future, look to the paper you have created and do something to work towards what you hace written. Have a picnic in your backyard![]() My favourite café is down the road from my house and you can phone in an order and pick it up. Maybe your café is even offered on a delivery service. Why not set up a picnic area in your backyard. This was me all set up waiting for my food to arrive. Grab a picnic rug or blanket, some beautiful pillows, incense burning, your favourite book, a journal, your grimoire, some relaxing music or whatever else makes you feel relaxed. Get your favourite takeaway lunch and spend some time soaking up the vitamin D and warmth from the sun. Let it fill you. You could even set this up at a certain time with friends and they could create the picnic within their yards and you could video call together. These are some simple things that you can do to bring about some magick and some kind of normality into your life. Giveaway ![]() I have made some of the Mental and Physical Healing bath salts for myself and I have some left over, I would love to gift some to two of you. If you would like some, share this blog post on your social media and tag me. I will contact the lucky two for your postal address to send some magick your way. Blessed Be Niki
New Moon is the perfect time to begin to make changes within your life. It is the beginning of the new lunar cycle. A time of fresh starts, new opportunities and renewed energy. We are experiencing such a trying time at the moment with the pandemic and many of us are are being forced to make changes in our life with the loss of jobs, lockdown etc. Some of these changes are welcomed and some no so. I lost my job a few months ago, and now studying full time and building my business. A forced change, a hard one financially but one I am thankful for. I continue to work through the phases of the moon to anchor my dreams and increase the energy of my magick. You may also harness the strength of the moons phases to take some control and make the changes you would like to make within your life. Here, I would like to remind you to keep in mind that when you are working magick, it may not manifest immediately. These things can certainly take time to manifest and it is also important to take action. There is really no use working your magick and and then just sitting back and wait for it to happen. It you want it to manifest you have to put in the work. It is about the energy you put into your magick, the work you do within the mundane and of course I believe timing contributes as well. ![]() So how can you work your magick this New Moon. Firstly, find a space where you will not be interrupted, light a candle, burn some incense while grounding yourself to begin. Sit and take a moment to think of the changes that you wish to make within your life whatever it may be. Whether it be creating a new business, becoming healthier in your body and mind to change your diet and exercise, creating new healthy routines etc. Sink into a meditative state and focus on what you are wanting to bring into your life, visualising the steps you could take and the outcome. Take note of what it feels like when manifested. See yourself living as if you have already made the changes. Ask your ancestors to share some guidance with you on steps you may take to get there. When you are ready, open your eyes and write down what you saw, the outcome, any ideas that popped into your mind, the steps you may have taken. Write the big picture and also note the feelings experienced. Once you have written down what you have seen, create an action plan by breaking your vision down into smaller pieces, into steps that are needed to get to that stage. You may need to repeat this stage with each step, as you need to get an action plan that has 'doable' steps. You want these steps to be easily woven into your daily life to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This is important to be able to maintain the changes to works towards your dreams and to avoid things to feel overwhelming and unattainable. For example, a) My dream is to have a counselling office/shop showroom/ritual space/workshop area all rolled into one to run my business from. Now this would be a huge outlay to lease a commercial premises and I know that I cannot do that at this time, however I have created that within my home by being imaginative with room arrangements. And, to add to that we are in lockdown at the moment so one on one is impossible therefore I am taking my time to create the space so it is perfect. I am currently waiting on a delivery of jars so I may reorganise my herb collection (I am so excited for this). I am making changes to keep the flow and energy fresh for when I am able to take one on one appointments again, hold workshops etc. b) I need to create more of a presence on social media to get the word out on the work I am doing, the services I am offering and the products I create to sell. So I am creating lists of content I can create, mostly for educational purposes through pictures, videos etc. I cannot click my fingers and have it all done now but I have a list that I can go down making them when time permits. My suggestion is to start with small steps from your action plan, and as they meld into your everyday life, add more steps. Continue this through to waxing phase of the moon as the energy builds. Keep note of how the changes are working and how you feel. Again, your magick may take time, especially if it is altering habits that you have had over a long period of time and as we all know, habits do not change overnight. I would love you to share with me what magick you are working this new moon. Don't forget to tag me in your social media posts so I can see. If you need help on how to work your magick, I do have worksheets available in my shop that are certainly a great way to keep track of your magick, and I also offer consults if you would prefer one on one support. Blessed Be Niki XX ![]() The Dark Moon is the time within the moons cycle when it is not visible in the sky above us. This is a time of transition, the completion of the waning moons cycle into the darkness moving towards its rebirth. It is a time between life and death or more appropriate, death and rebirth. A time within the shadows allowing you to also walk within the shadows, between the veils to connect with your ancestors and the gods. It is a time to go within, to retreat from the world. To uncover secrets that lie within ourselves, of delving into your shadow self to find what needs rebirthing. It is a time that you can spend using your divination tools to obtain guidance from your Ancestors for support to move forward. Here are some ways in which you can create your magick at the dark moon and deepen your connection with your ancestors. * If you have a family recipe that has been passed down through the generations cook that meal for your family in honour of your ancestors and if not, simply cook one of your ancestors favourite meals in their honour, don't forget to leave a plate for them. * Create an altar in honour of your ancestors. * Burn some dark moon incense to prepare your space for divination. * Use your Tarot or Oracle cards to obtain guidance from your ancestors. * Make yourself a lovely cup of tea then divine the leaves left within the cup. * Meditate asking for your ancestors to visit you to share their wisdom with you. Be sure to write down the guidance you received from your ancestors so you do not forget and you may keep track of the guidance when planning your movements for your magick. You may write those in a note book, your book of shadows or I also have worksheets available that will help and prompt you for your dark moon magick. As always, I would love to hear about your experiences with your dark moon magick. Tag be in your photos on Instagram & Facebook. #nikiwyld Niki XX |
June 2024