Do you have a magickal routine to aid you within your daily life? Yes, I said daily life! Not just on the Full Moon or New Moon etc... Your Daily life! Do you honour the gods and tap into and connect with your magick each day? I can feel some of you rolling your eyes at me thinking of how busy you are and you can sometimes hardly find the time to shower let alone taking time out of your day to tap into your magick. What is my answer to that? Well I bet you do find the time to shower... Don’t you... Yes?! So you can find the time for your magick. And you should, because it is important! I know that may sound a little hard, but I am talking to you exactly how I have recently had to talk to myself. You see I am a fantastic procrastinator. Queen procrastinator I think. I tell you I can come up with a million excuses as to why I do not have the time or energy to do something. And lately my procrastination has extended to working with my magick and honestly I have felt to loss of energy, inspiration etc. I have had to look into the mirror and have a good talking to myself. I basically told myself to STOP MAKING EXCUSES! So I have taken the steps to ensure that I am now taking time out on a daily basis to connect. And by connecting I mean something simple every day. Nothing big, nothing extravagant, just something realistic that I can do daily to keep my magickal flow happening. Of an evening, once I get home from work I have no chance connecting in a meaningful way. I mean yes, I do light some incense as soon as I walk through the door but other than that I get home from work, tidy up a little, work for a bit on my art, newsletter, blog posts or other creations or ideas I have, I cook dinner (I do light a candle within my kitchen when I am cooking to honour the gods for my abundance of food), eat dinner, clean up after dinner (I light incense again to cleanse the space while I clean the kitchen) and then either go back to do a little more work, or I zone out reading or of course I procrastinate by watching 'a little' Netflix, YouTube or I unfortunately get lost on social media. To be absolutely honest, most days I am definitely not in the head space to tap into my magick when I come home from a day in the office as I am totally exhausted, so if I tried on a daily basis to connect of an evening, I know it would not be meaningful. So I decided the best way to find time that works for me is to get up an hour earlier in the morning to ensure I have the time and I thought it would be a beautiful way to start my day. I started doing this about 3 weeks ago and I feel it has made a huge difference. So what does my morning magick look like? It is very simple. My alarm goes off (which I have set my alarm tone to be a Wendy Rule song (one of my favourite all time magickal artists, here is her YouTube Channel) and I slowly get up out of bed, sleepily walk to the kitchen and prepare my magickal elixir (coffee). I then make my way to the lounge room, get comfy on my lounge, sip my coffee and sit in silence letting my mind wander. I have 2 journals next to me. One that I write in with any ideas that pop into my mind, dreams that that are still lingering, guidance from the ancestors that pops into my head, my dreams that I wish to manifest, etc. I write down absolutely anything that flows into my mind. The other notebook I have is what I draw in. Nothing is planned, nothing is perfect, just free flowing drawing to allow my creativity to keep flowing. I feel within this early morning quiet time I am connected. Still waking from the land of dreams, I feel the Gods, my Ancestors and my Muses have an opportune moment to whisper into my ear. So in the morning, I just sit in the silence and feel which notepad I need to reach out to. I don’t think about it, I simply sit and sink into myself and feel what needs to be expressed. I have found that I usually reach for my writing notebook first, and then sometimes when I am finished my writing I see images that need to be drawn so I grad my other notebook. I spend about an hour doing this. Connected to all that is and feeling my magick running through me. Then (from Monday to Friday) I have another alarm that softly goes off so I know that I need to stop what I am doing and start getting ready for work and step out into the world for the day. On the weekends I just keep going until I have finished what needs to be expressed. I realise that I am lucky that my son is now an adult so I have that time in the mornings as I do not need to get lunches ready, or children ready for school etc, and as he has usually already left for work my house is in silence. But I promise you, if you really sit down and look at your day, you will find the time to connect to your magick whether it be only 20 minutes to write, meditate, paint, pick a tarot card, spend time out in nature, anything that you need to do to connect you to your magick and let it flow. So I ask you this... How are you going to make time to connect on a daily basis? and what are you going to do? If you already do connect I would love to hear what you do each day. Leave a comment below, or on my Social Media and let's share ideas. Love Niki xx
June 2024