Making my own deodorant is another way in which I work towards my life of being as self sufficient as possible, making what I need within my home using natural ingredients. When I realised how simple it was to make my own, how cost effective it was and how much better it is for our body and our beautiful planet I was blown away at why I had never thought about doing this before. Making my own deodorant is another way for me to step a little lighter on our plant not using the chemicals or purchasing something that will (the container) be thrown away adding more rubbish to the earth. Also a big thing for me is having recognised that the cleaner I eat, the better food I consume the better my connection to the universal energy. So it only makes sense to use natural products on your body right? So do me a favour, go and get your deodorant. Have you looked at the ingredient list on the side of your deodorant? While grocery shopping today, I took a photo of a popular brand of deodorant and here is the list of ingredients. Butane, Isobutane, Propane, Cyclomethicone, Aluminum Chlorohydrate, Isopropyl Palmitate, Parfum, Hydrolyzed Pearl, Talc, Persea Gratissima Oil, Octyldodecanol, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Dimethicone, Propylene Carbonate, Dimethiconol, Geraniol, Benzyl Alcohol. Yep that is what is written on the ingredients list. This is what you are spraying on your body every day. All that seeping into your skin, most of which you have no idea what it is. Arhhhh, I cannot think of anything worse. Now if you feel called to, after seeing that list of ingredients, throw it away and never use it again and begin to create your own. Here is the simple way in which I create my own deodorant. There are many recipes out there, but this is what works for me. Another positive to making your own deodorant is create your own scents using different essential oils. Today I made mine using a few drops of both Ylang Ylang and Lavender. It smells divine! You can make a big amount that will last you longer, however I make little batches, so I can change the scent every couple of weeks. ![]() So here is my recipe…. Mix equal parts of coconut oil and cornflour together then add some essential oil, the number of drops of essential oils depends on the size of your batch. Yes, that is it. Today I made a batch, which prompted me to take photos and write this blog post. I used a tablespoon of coconut oil, a tablespoon of cornflour and approx. 6 drops of essential oil. After it is mixed you just need to place it within a clean container which you can purchase or use something you already have around your home. And that is it, you now have your own natural deodorant created bu you. With your scent and energy held within. ![]() You don’t have to make such a small amount as I did, just make sure when making a large amount that the oil and cornflour are equal in quantity. You do not have to melt the coconut oil before you mix it with the cornflour, as soon as you start mixing it, it will soften. To use, just grab a small amount with your finger (I use an amount about the size of a 5 cent piece) and rub it on your under arm. You might find, in the winter months your deodorant hardens within the container. What I do to combat that is get that little bit out, place it under my arm and put my arm down to let my body heat warm the oil. After about 3o seconds I lift my arm and it is perfect consistency to rub on your underarm. So I encourage you to no longer purchase your deodorant with all the chemicals and switch to using this natural and easy to make alternative. Much love Niki X0X
When you realise you have lost touch of your authenticity, it can be quite overwhelming to get your head around where to start to awaken your inner self. There may be so much that you wish to change, and you just don’t know where to start so here are a few steps to help you with that. Firstly BreatheDon’t let yourself slide into a panic state of feeling overwhelmed. That energy will not get you anywhere. Try shift your focus to being grateful that you have removed the blindfold and can now clearly see that you need to make some changes in your life. Be thankful that you have recognised that you lost a part of yourself and be excited about the journey to come with the unfolding of you. You cannot move forward attracting that beautiful energy which is you if you hold onto fear, panic or sadness. Acknowledge those feelings when they arise, but let them pass by, let them flow through and out of you and hold onto that feeling of gratitude. Secondly Write it downGet clear on what it is you feel is your authenticity, and I mean get specific Where do you want to live? Closer to the water? Close to the bush? Would you like a little bit of land or an apartment? And would that place be in another suburb?, another state?, or another country? Or exactly where you are? Is it the house you already reside and you only want to shift the energy within and around it. How do you want to live? Do you want to live simply? Do you want to be self sufficient? Do you want to travel? Do you want to get really good at cooking great nutritious food? Or do you want to be able to eat out every night at beautiful restaurants? Do you want to go out more often? Or would you like more time to yourself? What do you want to do for a living? Do you want to work for your community? Do you want work somewhere that lets your creativity flow? Do you want to work in an environment with less pressure so you can focus on your hobbies? Or do you want to create your business from your hobbies? Do you want to make a huge change and delve into another career choice? What does your authentic self do? Do you spend more time in the garden? Go for midnight swims? Dance like no ones watching? Play a musical Instrument? Paint? Volunteer in your community? Make your own clothing? Create natural product? Get out more with your friends? Go see live music? Take a drumming class? What does your authentic self look like? Have you always wanted to have a little pixie cut? Have you always wanted long hair? Have you always wanted pink hair? What about dreadlocks? You get where I am going here don’t you? Get clear on how you see yourself living within your life. By being clear you know what you are working towards it is easier to manifest this energy as you can create a plan of action to get there. The sky is the limit here. No limitations. Write this list as if there were no restrictions such as money, time or space. Thirdly, Baby StepsYou don’t have to make all the changes needed at this very minute. That will make you feel overwhelmed. Throwing yourself into the deep end can be scary as hell, and make you return and retreat into your unauthenticity due to fear. So make little changes within your life. Begin to say no to the things that do not align with your authenticity, and say yes to the things that do. If you are wanting to change your career, look into courses. If you want to move, start looking and saving. If you want to make changes within your self, start now. You have to create a plan on how you are going to achieve these changes. With change brings fresh energy, sifting through to old and welcoming the new. Manifesting your authentic life takes action! Lastly, work with the energyStart working with attracting the energy to make the changes within your life, and releasing the energy that is no longer needed. You can do this by working with the energy of the phases of the moon, releasing in the waning phase and attracting in the waxing phase. You can use my worksheets free to download (click here). Using the worksheets you can keep track on your journey and make the necessary changes to re-discover your authenticity. I want you to remember that everything you desire is achievable.
It can be hard work getting within that flow, working with the energy of manifestation, manoeuvring yourself around obstacles that pop up, understanding the lesson behind them and keeping on track with your end goal but know…. With focus you will find yourself within the flow where opportunities will present themselves to help you manifest your authenticness. Niki xoxox ![]() Within this busy society we can find that we lose ourselves within the day to day lives that we have created. Then you reach a point and think ‘who am I?’ or “what is this life I have created?’. We spend so much time running around, our minds full of to-do lists and scrolling through social media platforms that it is no wonder we find that we have lost ourselves. We can unconsciously make decisions within our lives that we think are the right ones to make because that is what society says is right or safe or what you should be doing, and with each decision some of us walk further and further away from our authentic selves. We need to take the time out to reconnect with ourselves and the energy that surrounds us. We need to recognise what is right for us as individuals and what is right for the collective consciousness and let go of the pressures of society’s expectations on what your life should look like. That my friend is where you find your authenticity. Here are some tips on how to do that. Journal![]() Pour your heart onto the pages. Delve into the deepest parts of yourself, express your inner desires and thoughts. Tap into that beautiful soul of yours. By doing so you can unlock the door and remember your true self You can find the hidden treasures within yourself, that divine spark that is you, and begin to recognise how you can piece together your authenticity. Don’t know where to start or what to write? Don’t stress. The important thing is that you just start writing about anything. I promise you, you will be amazed at what ends up on the paper. By being open and honest with yourself you will find yourself. Meditation![]() Meditation is a powerful tool to work in many areas of your life. If you don’t find it easy to just sit in silence meditating, even with music or chanting playing, you may find guided meditations are the way to go. There are many guided meditations out there (I find heaps on YouTube) that you can use everyday within your life. You can find ones to cleanse your chakras, change your throught patterns, strengthen your intuition, meditations to heal, morning meditations to set your day etc. Meditation is a perfect way in which you can quieten your mind and tap into your intuition and let your inner you shine through. It will help relieve stress that is within your life before it creates blockages which can lead to illness. Get into Nature![]() With our busy lives we forget to just get outside and soak up the energy of our earth mother. We have fallen out of her rhythm, forgotten to hear her music. Go to a place in nature that you connect with whether that be a park, the beach, the forest, by a lake or even your own back yard. Find a space, sit, listen and watch. Let your feet touch the earth to ground your energy. Hear the sounds of our earth mother Let her energy move through you You will connect to your inner flow, which in turn awakens your authenticity Get Creative![]() Creativity means different things to different people. Whether it is drawing, painting, dancing, gardening, cooking, sewing etc, being creative allows you to access an area of your brain that we don’t always get to tap into. It helps you to get out of the mundane mind and access your intuition. It can also put you into a meditative / trance state. So get out some paints or get out some pencils and create. Put some music on and dance, let the music move through you Get into your kitchen and cook up a storm So what ever it is you do to get your creative juices flowing Find your Tribe![]() It is so important that you surround yourself with people of like mind. People that help you to look within, to push you out of your comfort zone. People you can have in depth conversations with who will understand, or atleast try to understand your thoughts and feelings. People who you can learn from. People that see your true self and will raise you up and support you on your journey of authenticity. If you have already found your tribe, cherish them. Talk to them about your journey of finding your authenticity. Start the conversation as you may find that some within your tribe feel the same way and you can support each other. If you do not have a tribe, find them. Join groups, attend meeting and workshops, get yourself out there to meet new people and make the connections. Perhaps within your mediations, focus on connecting with the energy of finding your tribe. You will find that by taking the time to do the above tips, you will begin to get into the flow of your life. You will begin swimming with the stream of your life, and not against it. By connecting to that energy, you will find that things will happen. You will find yourself in situations, circumstances, and events to aid with the connection of your tribe. Much Love Niki xx |
June 2024