Without a morning ritual, you are tossing up whether you are going to have a good day or a bad day. Whether you will invite beautiful energy into your day and hold the power to manifest. Sounds dramatic I know, but it is true. I remember the times, before my morning rituals where I would wake up at the last minute, rushing to get dressed and out the door setting myself up for a chaotic and hectic day. And that is what would mostly manifest. Chaos It used to start my day, as many do, with a loud and obnoxious alarm that jolted me from my serenity, as if it was screaming at me to get up and get out of bed to get dressed, get out into the world to go through the every day motions again, and again, and again. It was depressing... Seriously, that is how I felt and I tell you my days would suck!!! I would be sluggish, cranky and feel seriously stuck in an unproductive and negative vibe. That was many many years ago, but now I have created an amazing morning ritual that totally sets up my day to be productive, positive and magickal. My morning ritual changes as the flow of my life changes. Altering with the changes in my life from when my son was a baby relying on me at all moments, now he is an adult who can fend for himself. It changes with the demands of working starting super early in the morning, to starting a little later and at times not working out of the home at all. That is the beauty of creating and working with your own morning ritual, it is flexible and is what works for you. ![]() You can fine tune it as you need to, adding things and letting things go to make it more suitable for you, whatever stage in your life's cycle you are at so that, most importantly, it totally works for you to get your energy flowing. I'm not saying that my morning ritual works every time. I am a night owl, not an early bird at all so sometimes I do sleep through my alarms and wake up in a rush because I'm going to be late. (seriously, that has happened a few times, waking up to a phone call saying "Ummmm, Niki, where are you?"), but 99.9% of the time, my mornings are peaceful and the day unfolds amazingly. So what did I do? Where did I start? Firstly, I changed my alarm sound. No longer do I wake up to that obnoxious noise, instead I wake up to beautiful music. My phone is my alarm, so I have a number of songs on there that go off of a morning. And, as I mentioned, I am a night owl at heart, which in turn makes me a serial alarm snoozer, so I have quite a few alarms that go off but it is beautiful music that gently nudges me from my slumber. That within itself was a major shift for me. The energy was softer. My mind was clearer and my heart would sing with the music. I woke up with a smile, not a grumble. The rest of my morning rituals, as I said have changed over time, but this is what I do now. When I wake up, I put both my feet on the ground and for a moment, just feel my feet solid on the floor. Almost grounding myself back into my body after my night-time adventures. I then stand up, raise my arms to the sky and stretch my body, gently moving and awakening it. ![]() Then, as it is getting colder now, I put on my big fluffy dressing down and make my way into the kitchen and have a big glass of water. I then make a coffee and return to my bed for about 20 minutes and either read or journal. When I have finished my coffee I get dressed while watching / listening to a YouTube clip. The topic varies each day but is usually spiritual or motivational. When I am dressed I go out to the kitchen and make myself some breakfast. As it doesn’t really take long for me to get dressed I am usually still listening to the YouTube clip. The breakfast I create depends on the day, and what I am doing but it usually consists of a Smoothie of some sort. My favourite at the moment is a Banana, Mango, Honey and Cacao power with Almond Milk or a mixture of fruit and coconut water. If I don’t feel like a smoothie, it is something as simple as a bowl of muesli with yoghurt and fruit. Usually with the clip finished but the time I have prepared my breakfast, while I am having breakfast, I sit quietly with a notebook and plan out my day. What I want to achieve & what are the things I must do today. I also have a section for ideas that I can jot things down if I have received inspiration in my dreams… This is what I call my "Get shit done" notebook. Then when I am about to start with my day whether I am working at home our out of home I take a deep breathe and say out loud "Today will be an amazing day", or "You've go this" Now you may read this and think, I don't have time for it. Well I am here to tell you that you do and its an important part of your day. My morning ritual honestly takes about an hour each morning. That’s it, from getting up to walking out the door. There really are no excuses So now I have told you my morning ritual, I will give you a few tips on how to help you weave this ritual into your life.
Don’t waste another minute and create your morning routine.. I would love for you to share your Morning Ritual on my Facebook page, share with us how you are connecting to flow in the mornings. Niki XoxoX
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Do you have a plethora of things you want to bring into your life, many changes you want to make but feel overwhelmed with them all not knowing where to start? Believe me, I know how it feels To manifest my dreams in their entirety, I have sooo many changes I have to and want to make within my life. But here is the thing, this is how my mind used to work. When I recognised I needed to make changes I delved into researching them. I found myself recognising the more I researched a subject to learn how to make the changes, the more I realised I don’t actually know which made me want to deepen my knowledge on the subject before I even thought of making any changes…. Welcome to my mind, it can be quite intense. My mind doesn’t spin around like that much anymore, but I am far from perfect. I do sometimes get to the point where I feel yes, I am going to do that, and I realise that I just don’t know where to start, so I don’t. I come to a stand still…. Stagnant…. and I find myself feeling that anxiety rising. I recently turned 40 and looking back over the past 10 years I recognised I have spent a lot of time procrastinating. Well, no that is a little harsh. I have spent a lot of time building my foundations both emotionally, spiritually and psychically, but yes, I have also done a hell of a lot of procrastination. I recognise that I have spent a lot of time in the “I want to do this” space. Don’t get me wrong, I have implemented a lot of things within my life that I have wanted to do, but upon reflection, I could have done more because my mindset sometimes jumps back into the spin I mentioned before. ![]() But that’s ok. I haven’t spent much time in the ‘I should have’ or ‘I could have’ space, I can now move to the ‘I can’ and ‘I will’ space within my mind quite quickly releasing the thought of ‘oh what’s the point I have so much to learn’, I just begin with baby steps if I am unsure or believe I am not knowledgeable enough on the subject, taking the learn as I go approach. And what I mean by that is? Here are some examples. I wanted to create a chemical free environment within my home by making my own cleaning products, personal products etc, but when I actually looked at everything I used within my home I felt overwhelmed at the thoughts of getting rid of it all and making everything myself. So I started one by one replacing the products we used within the home. I started with the washing powder, the moving onto other cleaning products, then started on personal products. That way I didn’t feel so overwhelmed, I just let the new habits create their space within my life. ![]() I am not totally chemically free, but I continue to work towards that goal. Another example which does tie in with the above is that I have dreams of living as self sufficient and environmentally sustainable as possible. I recently attended a screening of a documentary on sustainability and as you can imagine that involves a lot of new skills that need to be learned and I was sitting within the theatre starting to feel a little overwhelmed again thinking omgoodness how am I going to do this. Again, the more I research the more I realise I don’t know about it. But, many quotes from people within the documentary who are living sustainably were, just start. Do something, start small, and grow and learn from there. At the moment I rent the home in which I live, so I cannot make major changes to the house, but I can work outside within the garden to create a beautiful environment, and that is what I am doing. Working on growing what I can for myself and also creating a space for wildlife to dwell. I am finding growing my own food a little challenging. I am great with indoor plants, but tend to get ‘busy’ and forget to show my outdoor garden some loving, so I am still creating that habit within my life and I refuse to give up as I am learning along the way. So my point to this post is, if you are feeling overwhelmed…. Don’t. Yes, the changes you want to make within your life can be huge, but the hardest thing can be taking that first step and making that first little change in your habits. It is remembering that you never fail (like is one of my plants die). It is an opportunity for learning, to know what you will do different next time. Like the butterfly effect, that little step can ripple out to the universe to affirm YES! you want this, and then the universe will align and assist you. Your next step will be easier, and then the next and the next. And before you know it, you will see the changes you are making for the better. My suggestion is to monitor your journey by keeping a journal. Write down how good it feels while you are working on implanting the changes, how beneficial they have become and how it is making you feel that your authenticity is shining that much brighter, how you are making a difference within your world. I find that this helps, as the next time you are feeling overwhelmed, on the brink of giving up, you need only to read your journal so see how amazing you are and that little bit of light can help to give you that motivation to take that next step. Love Niki It can be so simple to create a beautiful and energetically clear home. A place where the energy is clean and clear, where you are comfortable to be with yourself, to be able to look within connecting with the energy that surrounds you to be inspired to be the creative and authentic self that you are. Cleansing a home can be done in many forms. It can be a quick ritual or a long ritual. It can be done by using Incense, Music, Chanting, Movement etc. For this blog post I will walk you through a longer ritual using incense to cleanse. Cleansing the energy of your space and it can make such a difference within the life. ![]() So here is how to start Grab yourself some incense. You can use a smudge stick, sweet grass, palo santo or even a few sticks of incenses. So which ever incense you choose light it up, open the windows and let’s get started With your incense smouldering away, move through your home... When performing a deep cleanse, I start from my front entry and walk all the way around the house, along the walls smoking them and breaking up the energy. As I move around I chant or sing. Nothing in particular, just what comes to mind. You may want to choose or write a special chant that will help increase your intention of cleansing your home or you may want to put some of your favourite music on to sing and dance to that to increase the energy. You may find this can take quite a bit of time, depending on how big your home is, but trust me, it’s worth it. Once you have finished cleansing your whole home, you should also walk around the outside of your home, in your yard, garages, laundry etc, totally cleansing the property. ![]() All done… That’s great…. Can you feel the difference in the energy? You can now, if you feel it is needed, walk through the rooms of your home and set an intention. For instance, you can connect to your flow when in your bedroom and visualise and set the intention that you will always have a restful sleep within this room. For the lounge room you may want to set an intention that this is a space where your family gathers to spend quality time together. Within the kitchen you may set an intention that this is the space for nourishing your family, that your cupboard always be full and abundant. The bathroom, you may want to set the intention that when bathe you are also energetically cleansing yourself.
It is beautiful and empowering taking responsibility of the energy within your home and making it a powerful and beautiful environment for you and your family. You should cleanse your home on a regular basis. This big cleanse I usually perform around the change of the seasons (or if someone has been ill within the home) however I usually walk through the home with some incense smoking each week freshening up the energy. So get some incense, put on some music and cleanse your space. Niki XoxoX I don’t spend much time scrolling through my Facebook feed, but when I do, I want to see things that will inspire me, will make me smile, will challenge my thinking and encourage me to walk my authentic path. It is important within this information age with so many social media platforms to be particular to what you expose yourself to, what it is you are allowing into your consciousness and energy field. When you are working on manifesting and living your beautiful authentic life, you do not want to bring your energy down by watching mind numbing, negative and ridiculous posts. ![]() Before I made changes to my Facebook feed I would have to scroll through many mind numbing posts to find a post that caught my attention. I have friends that have stopped using Facebook completely, but I cannot do that as I have a business page, so if I am going to continue to participate in this Social Media Platform, I decided to clean up my feed. It can take a while for the initial clean up if you want to it in one sitting, however you can clean it up a little each time you go on, and before you know it you will have an inspiring feed. So how do you do it? Here are five ways in which you can clean up your feed. OneIf you have a friend that always shares posts that you do not like, or you are sick of reading their every movement, just unfollow them. You are still friends with them, you just will not see what they post and they will have no idea you have done this so there will be no dramas. TwoIf you do not want to unfollow your friend because you want to see their personal posts, but they share things from certain pages you do not like, on the post if you click on the three dots at the top right, you can choose to hide all from ‘name of the page’. That way, when your friend shares it, it will not appear on your feed. ThreeGo through your liked pages. You will be surprised how many pages you have actually connected with and liked over the years. By liking so many pages, it is hard for Facebook to know which posts to show you, so you will probably see less of the pages you love. So if you no longer resonate with what a certain page is about and what it shares, unlike the page. You will find that after you go through and unlike pages, you will start seeing more of your favourites within your feed. FourWhen you see sponsored posts on your Facebook feed and you don’t like the vibe of the page that is advertising, click on the little dots to the right and choose what action you would like to take, like the option to ‘hide add, see fewer adds like this’. This can really make a difference in your feed. FiveYou can change the setting for your friends Facebook Page and the Pages you have liked to see them first. You can even set it to received notifications. That way you won’t miss a thing and instead of having to scroll through your facebook feed, you can go directly to this. By doing this you can transform your Facebook feed into a place of inspiring videos, beautiful quotes, photos of friends and posts that will lift you up, make your heart sing and to help you manifest your dreams.
Much Love Niki xox |
June 2024