![]() My connection to the phases of the moon is strong and I work with the energies everyday in one form or another. On the New Moon I feel the promise of new beginnings and start new projects. Feeling her waxing phase of increasing energy building momentum with my goals. When the energy peaks at the Full Moon I dance on the beach watching her rise and I give thanks to the Gods and my Ancestors for all that I have achieved. Then, as the energy decreases in the waning phase I work on removing blockages that have been slowing my manifestations and then reaching the depths of the Dark Moon when the Ancestors are close I connect and obtain wisdom from them. On a daily basis I connect to the energy, and let it flow through my life, through my body and always allowing the magick to happen. Working with the phases of the moon is a natural process, one that connects us to a long line of Ancestry. In times past it was just a part of everyday life however in this busy society many of us have forgotten that special connection. The connection of moving through the cycles, waxing and waning, attracting and releasing. Everyone knows about the energy of the moon. When there is a glorious large and shining moon in the sky, if people are outside and glance at its glory, they take it in, look at it with awe, even if it is only for a second. Fisherman fish by the phases of the moon. Gardener’s plant and harvest by the phases of the moon. Outdoor events can be planned around the full moon to provide more light. Hospitals report more incidents around the full moon. The oceans tides are connected with the moon. Whether you are a witch or not, you know the energy of the moon. All of our Ancestors at one time, long past lived by the phases of the moon. Whether you realise it or not, this ancient knowledge is held with you. This wisdom and knowing flows in your veins. Held within your bones. Is in your DNA. It is a part of you. This is why it only made sense to have the phases tattooed upon my skin. My nieces boyfriend is an amazing tattoo artist. For years, he has been encouraging me to book an appointment with him to get a tattoo as I have always expressed my interested but because I am a scaredy cat and terrified of pain, I have always said yes I will, and never actually made the appointment. However around last Summer Solstice we settled on a date, the 5th March, just a few days after my birthday. I was so nervous, again, thinking it would be an extremely painful process. Leading up to the appointment many people shared their ‘painful’ stories with me and when I told them I planned to get it down my spine they would look at me and laugh for a minute and then reiterate how much it was going to hurt. I was a little worried, as while I was getting tattooed I wanted to be able to go within and pray to the Gods to dedicate this piece of art to them. To magickally infuse the tattoo. When I woke the morning of my appointment I was so nervous but this quickly turned to excitement as I arrived at Damon’s studio in Sylvania. The moment I walked in I knew this was going to be a beautiful experience. There was a kind of magick within the studio. A vibe that I immediately resonated with. The studio was adorned with amazing sketches on the walls, plants, art pieces etc. So enticing to the eye. After sitting and chatting for a little, it was time to get on with it. Damon placed the stencil on my back and sat at his chair looked and said, ‘are you ready?” I laid upon the bed and in a moment the nerves returned. It was as if I remember that yes, this is probably going to hurt. With anticipation I lay waiting. He said, ok, I’m going to start now, and I was pleasantly surprised that it was not painful, just uncomfortable. I likened it to being scratched on a sunburn. So, as I layed on the table, I went within and dedicated my tattoo to the Gods. Within my mind I sang songs to the gods, I visualised my Ancestors standing around the table watching the process. I visualised the ink being imbued with magick marking my skin. I remembered all the nights I have spent dancing and swimming under the light of the Full Moon. I remembered the rituals I have held, and the little magick moments. There were certainly moments when being tattooed it was more uncomfortable than others, and yes, after a couple of hours there were parts that started to become painful, but I dedicated that pain to the Gods. As I felt him work on each phase of the moon, I would connect to that energy. It was such a beautiful process and I am forever thankful to him for not only being the amazing artist he is to place such a beautiful piece upon my skin, but the fact that this moment, I was surrounded by family. Damon, my niece and my amazing son who came with me to support me. With the moon phases now tattooed down my spine, I can literally say that my connection with the phases of the moon is literally the backbone of my magick. I now want more, and thinking I will make it an annual birthday present to myself. The only question is, what will I get next.
Still in the depths of winter and to be honest I am not really enjoying it, as I have mentioned probably a million times already, I am not one for the cold weather.
So this morning, I was so grateful to have no plans and the sun was out shining down on my front veranda. As soon as I woke, I made a coffee grabbed a cushion and the book I am currently reading and sat out there soaking up that beautiful warmth. I am currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s about creative living beyond fear. It is an easy read and I love that. In recent years, I have had a lot of fears pop up in my life, so I am working at releasing them and this book is working it’s ‘magick’ at the moment. It’s not a self help book, it is just little stories about her experiences with her creative processes. For so long, I have been planning to take little road trips. To find and stay at quiet little beaches, and when the weather is warmer I want to go but, I have had fears that have started to come up around that. What if my car breaks down and I get stuck somewhere What if I get lost What if I get kidnapped because I am on my own (I realise how ridiculous that sounds) And most of all What if it isn’t as amazing as I visualise it will be..... Silly I know, but these are the fears that are popping up within my mind. They are a small parts of a larger fear, my son Takoda is turning 18 in a couple of months and I am realising that, although he will always be my little boy, he isn’t my little boy anymore and is forging his own way in this world. But back to dealing with the fears. They have been running around on my head for a while Today, while Takoda and I were driving back from my accountant, I mentioned to him what was going through my mind. My fears that were springing up. You know what he said to me. "I know you are my mum and I love you, but omg stop it." "You create the experience you want, so create an amazing experience" I was gobsmacked. So much wisdom. And it is exactly what I have said to him a million times. He was right. Totally right!!! If my car breaks down I am insured, I have roadside assistance and my brother is a mechanic. I won't get lost, I have google maps and an actual map in my car. (yes they still exist) I am not going to get kidnapped, I will stay in safe places And most of all It will be as amazing as I have visualised it will be..... Because I will make it that way. So once we returned home, I cleared my space and lit my smudge stick. I cleansed myself and my space At the end of the waning moon, tomorrow being dark moon I release these fears. And, Takoda is coming with me on my first couple of road trips just to ensure I don’t get kidnapped. Niki xxx As I mentioned in my previous blog post, this winter has meant massive transformation for me. I have delved a little deeper into the darkness than I expected I would go (and to be honest deeper than I wanted to go) and there has been a shift within me. I announced on my Facebook page the other night that I have decided to stop creating the Magick & Wyld E-Magazine. This decision was difficult but I felt was what needed at this time. My creative energy is needed elsewhere. I need to spend my time and energy on creating new experiences. And, I have decided to share my magickal journey of transformation with you all through this blog. I love writing and I would love to share my magickal life with you. Within this blog I hope you get some inspiration to create magick within your own life. I wanted to share with you my experience last Full Moon. It was the first Full Moon evening in months that there was a clear sky to watch her rise. And this is exactly what I needed It was beautiful and I felt her intense pull With the beauty of the afternoon, I got lost in the moment Standing at the top of the sand dune I looked out to the ocean Seeing the beautiful colours in the sky as the sun was setting Watching the surfers still out waiting for that last wave before dark Seeing members of our tribe arriving to join with us to watch the moon rise I was filled with gratitude for my life With gratitude for where I live For the magick I weave within my life For those little moments where I feel that time stops and I am the only one around When I feel deeply connected to all that surrounds me These are the moments that I crave And this is the reason I am planning little road trips for when the weather is warmer To find secret places in nature, to get lost within time, to disconnect to feel connected |
June 2024